"I smoked a bowl before Hailey interrupted me," Jesse said. "That is what you're smelling."

"Did you take care of your problem?" Mr.White asked.

"Yeah, and you're still diddling around trying to get your nut up."

"What in the fuck are you talking about?" I questioned. I hated feeling this left out of everything.

"Nothing that concerns you, Hailey." Mr.White said.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, if you two are busy then I'm leaving."

"No Hailey stay, Mr.White get the fuck out," Jesse said, standing up from his seat.

Mr.White began leaving the kitchen and Jesse and I followed him, the 3 of us stood in the hallway when we noticed blood dripping from Jesse's ceiling.

"Woah this some horror movie-type shit," I pointed out, honestly thinking it was some kind of joke Jesse was playing.

"Yo, it is!" Jesse said, smirking but then we both looked at each other with realization and our eyes went wide — neither of us were joking!

Mr.White started pushing me back with his hand and Jesse also grabbed my hand and pulled me back.

The 3 of us watched as the roof caved in and blood, guts and whatever else was upstairs fell to the floor, our jaws dropped. The sight was absolutely digesting. 

The 3 of us slowly walked up and looked up at the ceiling, Jesse's bathtub right above us, a hole burned through the middle.

Walter turned to him. "Remember that stupid plastic bin I asked you to get, you see hydrofluoric acid—"

"—won't eat through plastic but it dissolves metal, porcelain, rock and glass," I said, finishing his sentence. Of course Jesse wouldn't know any of this. 

"Wait... how did you know that and I didn't?" Questioned Jesse, a little v formed in between his eyebrows.

"I paid attention sometimes," I replied shrugging. What more was there to say? "So let me guess, you needed to get rid of something and then instead of dissolving it in a plastic bin you put it in your bathtub thinking it was a good idea?"

Jesse simply nodded.

"Goddammit Jesse, you messed this up and now Hailey knows." Said Mr.White getting angry.

"I won't say anything, you don't have to worry," I replied nonchalantly.

"Hailey's cool Mr.White and she's smart so no need to be all mad."

"Of course I know Hailey is smart. I was her teacher!" Walter snapped, his patience with Jesse was completely gone and understandably. 

"I need to go buy cleaning shit now — I'll be back, Mr.White stay here." 

Walter and I made our way to the kitchen while Jesse went to the store to attempt to clean up his mess.

While he was doing that I looked under his sink for sponges, cloths and buckets to which I only found a few. I was expecting to find less given this is Jesse's house. 

I placed the stuff on the kitchen island while Walter struggled to roll a joint. I didn't even know he smoked but then again, I didn't know anything about the man in front of me. 

"Need help, Mr.White?"

He nodded and I grabbed the rolling paper and the grinder off the counter.

I passed him back a perfectly rolled joint and I grabbed the lighter from my pocket and lit it in his mouth.

He inhaled and started coughing. "Thanks, Hailey."

"No probably Mr.White," I said. "I'll be back, I'm going to grab the pack of cigarettes from my car."


I ended up helping Walter and Jesse clean up but Walter wasn't much help because he 'couldn't get his clothes dirty' he didn't want his wife to ask questions, I guess it was fair enough considering Jesse didn't listen to him in the first place and without me, he'd be scrubbing for days.

"Ayo Mr.White, I want that problem downstairs sorted out by tomorrow okay?" Jesse said as Walter announced he was about to leave.

"I have the harder job here, Jesse." 

"I just had to clean guts off my fucking floor," Jesse snapped. "Tomorrow Mr. White."

"Yeah, Yeah I'll be here first thing." and with that Mr.White shut the door.

Jesse sat down on his couch with a sigh, looking exhausted.

"I'm guessing you want to know what uhh all that was about," Jesse said as I sat down beside him.

"You mean the reason you and our high school chemistry teacher are partners in crime?"

Jesse smirked at that. "It's really not funny."

"I think it is."

"I can't believe you're so calm about all of this," Jesse said, his blue eyes scanning my face.

"My life's been pretty boring lately, a little spice can't hurt," I replied, hiding my excitement for his explanation.

He smiled. "I know you can keep a secret but Mr.White's going to kill me if I tell you without his permission."

I shrugged. "If you really don't want to tell me it's cool but I just wanna know the reason my clothes are stained with blood."

"Basically—" He paused still unsure. "Me and Mr.White cook meth together in an RV — the one I showed you before and then shit happened and we had to kill these two dudes because they tried to kill us."

Never would have guessed Mr.White as someone who cooks meth but it made sense, he would have known all the chemistry for it, but Jesse and him. That was an odd pairing. 

"So you were supposed to get rid of one body so what was Mr.White's job?" I asked.

"Kill the dude in my basement."

"There's a dude in your basement?" I asked shocked, my eyes widened. 

"Yeah, not by choice." Jesse scoffed, shaking his head.

"This sounds like a really shitty movie Jess." 

He bit his lip down. "You know I find it kinda hot that you're so calm about this."

"Keep it in your pants." I smiled. Little did he know I was freaking out on the inside, this was all so crazy! 

"It's a little hard with you—"

I didn't let him finish his sentence because I kissed him. I pushed my body onto his and he wrapped his arms around me, his tongue slipping into my open mouth. 

Fuck I didn't want this kiss to ever end but it did and we pulled away smiling.

"So can I borrow a change of clothes so I don't go home covered in blood?" 

"Or you could just stay the night." He suggested, wiggling his eyebrows at the idea.

"If you give me a change of clothes I'll stay the night."

"Let's go get you changed then."

All for you | Jesse Pinkman FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora