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"So you're relying on magnets to save your ass from prison?" I questioned with a laugh but neither Walter nor Jesse found it funny. 

"Oh lighten up," I said, rolling my eyes.

"You know I really have mixed emotions about you, Hailey." Walter sighed, "Likewise," I bit back.

"There's Mike now," Jesse said, nodding his head towards him.

"That's Mike?" I questioned, "Well shit... I've met him before then."

Mike looked at me with confusion as he walked up to us, "Hailey... Damaris?"

"Mike... I don't know your last name," I replied, "Nice to see you again."

"What in the hell are you doing here?" Mike questioned, his voice low and slow.

"She's the extra set of hands I've been telling you about," Jesse responded, nudging me with his shoulder.

"You?" He said pointing towards me, "You have experience with this sort of thing?"

"A giant magnet yeah no, but I've been roped into a few things here and there."

He sighed, "I still say save your money Jesse and get the hell out of here— maybe you should go to Hailey although Walter and Jesse have kept you pretty sheltered for the most part."

"All right, watches off." The yard keeper called out, we were in the same place they crushed the RV.

"Necklaces, rings, earrings, bracelets..." He continued.

"I think it's best if I watched from afar," I said to Jesse.

He tilted his head and then smiled, "Belly Button ring?"

"Yup," I replied.

"What about that stuff you young guys wear on the end of your pricks?" The yard owner asked, staring at only Jesse.

I burst out laughing but he was serious which made it even funnier.

"What's up with that, by the way?" The owner asked, "Why would anybody wanna put a metal ring through the end of their pricks?"

"What are you looking at me for?" Jesse questioned which made me start laughing again. "Stop laughing Hailey! You know I wouldn't do that."

"Yes Jesse, I know for a fact you don't have one," I said with a wink and walked behind the chain link fence so I could watch from afar.

I watched as Jesse walked forward and after a minute or two, the laptop he was holding got launched out of his hand and hit the truck.

I walked back to where they were all standing and Jesse wrapped his arm around me, twirling us into a hug. "Yeah bitch! Magnets!"

"Your idea worked!" I said, his one arm wrapped around my shoulder.

Walter talked about upping the voltage and that's when Mike spoke up, "Everything goes flying in that evidence room it's going to make one hell of a noise and there goes your element of surprise."

"Won't matter," Walter replied.

"It'll be broken beyond repair before they have a chance to save it," I spoke up.

"Precisely... in 60 seconds it'll be gone."


I sat in the passenger seat of Mike's car and on his cue we got out, I sprayed the cameras so they wouldn't be able to see anything and Mike tripped the wires so that the gate would open.

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