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Jesse apparently confronted Walter about the ricin but he wasn't behind it, so they say.

I couldn't see the reasoning behind it though, wouldn't it have been more logical to poison me? Natalie had no clue about the other half of my life involving Jesse and Walter. 

"I need to grab something to eat, let me just pull in right here," I told Jesse as I pulled into Los Pollos Hermanos.

"No!" Jesse shouted and grabbed the wheel of my car making me step on the brake.

"The fuck is wrong with you?" I shouted, "I could have hit a parked car!"

He removed his hands quickly, "I— sorry it's just I don't like this place... it's fatty, you know?"

"Are you trying to be funny, Jess? Since when do you care... I mean you bought Chick-fil-A just yesterday."

"Hailey, take my word and find somewhere else." He said sharply.

I opened and closed my mouth, "I'll leave unless you tell me the truth, clearly you aren't calorie counting."

"It's just some work people are known to hang around here." He said and rubbed his chin nervously, looking at the building in front of us. 

I put my car in reverse and started backing up, "You could have just said that instead of grabbing my wheel and almost making my insurance rate go up."

I pulled out of the parking lot and my phone rang, "Jesse answer that please."

He put it on speaker and it was my dad, "Everything alright?" I asked him.

"They think they narrowed it down to some flower called the lily of the valley," My father said, "It's not that ricin stuff that Jesse was talking about... Natalie should be fine."


Natalie returned home at the end of May. She was alive and well— or as well as she could be, her body was quite weak but that didn't matter as long as she was here, with us.

My schooling continued as normal along with work but while I was working a night shift I turned on the radio to hear about a nursing home that got blown up and the person that died, Gustavo Fring.

I thought that it must have been some fluke that he was at that home on the day it got bombed but as I stocked the rows of canned goods it got me thinking about earlier when I tried to eat at his restaurant, Jesse physically grabbed the wheel of my car to make sure I wouldn't step foot in there.

That must have been who he didn't want to see, he blamed it on being 'work related' and I figured it was probably some watchdog hangout but no... I was about to step into his boss's coverup business— it made so much fucking sense, Los Pollos Hermanos was the perfect coverup! They'd have trucks and warehouses right in the open.

The moment my shift ended I called Jesse and asked to meet him, he told me to swing by his house and so I did.

"You okay? You sounded eager to get here on the phone." Jesse said as he shut his front door.

"I've cracked the code," I said excitedly.

"Code? What code?" Jesse questioned, his eyebrow furrowed.

"Gustavo Fring, that was your doing, wasn't it?"

Jesse looked as if I just dumped a bucket of ice-cold water on his head. "Are you out of your mind?"

"Maybe." I shrugged, "The radio got me thinking about when Natalie was still in the hospital and I was going to eat at his place... you were so worried about me going in there, so am I right?"

He scratched his chin nervously, "I— how the actual fuck can you be like this smart?"

I slammed both of my hands down on his shoulder, "Does this mean you will tell me what the fuck you've been hiding?"

And as I asked, he told me everything from working under the laundry mat and going on runs with Mike to Walter being behind the bombing.

Apparently that Mike dude was set to keep an eye on me but since Jesse and I stopped communicating frequently I was a dead end— a waste of time, to Gus at least.

I wasn't a threat and I looked like a hook-up or old friend, which I of course was so much more than— could a boring old friend make Jesse a bottom? Yeah, I don't think so.

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