"I do not regret comparing him to Rapunzel." She told me.

"No wonder he only snapped your neck." I responded flatly.

"Ugh I'm bored. I need something to do other than just stay here all fucking day." She exaggerated.

   I helped her get up as we made our down to the living room. We found Lila and Leyla there. They're the oldest of all of us. Lila is a witch and you should've seen her when she started out. Now she's a expert and started making some spells of her own. Then there's Leyla; She almost never opens her eyes. I don't know why but I don't like bothering her about it. Leyla used to be an average elf until she found some lashers in the form of a scarf. They were supposed to be for Lila but she gave them to her. She doesn't really wear them in public though.

   "Good morning you two." Lila greeted us as she continued reading.


  "Looks like someone has a tea obsession." Ivy said pointing to Leyla.   "I do not. I just like it very much." She protested. We both laughed as she continued to drink her morning tea. Katie and Jack came down stairs and greeted us. "Wait a minute someone's missing other than Jennifire." Katie said. Jennifire is always out fooling the the policemen or catching some prey. "Where's Kai'sa!?"

   "She's RIGHT-FUCKING-HERE..!" She said as she busted open that back door.

She looked pissed. Usually shes always chill about everything. "Leyla. I'm done watering your fucking plants. Especially that big ass venus fly trap that you thought was a good idea to keep." She snapped.

"Have some tea dear. It'll help calm you down." Leyla said trying to calm her down. Kai'sa, being the musical genius of the family, summoned some headphones out of no where,, slapped 'em on her head, and stormed up the stairs. Jack's hair while still in a ponytail started to point at something. "Oh dear I'm late. Well I will see you all in the afternoon. I forgot that I had to work today." Leyla said as she rushed out the door. Lila went up to her room, as well as Kai'sa so she could take a bath. Kai'sa can control water. She's also the middle child by two seconds. I don't actually know how it happened cause I wasn't born then but she's a middle child and the 3rd oldest.

  "So Ivy. How's business down at The Joint?" Katie asked. "Its been going excellent. Even better now that Rocky is working with us." She said. At the mention off Rocky, Katie immediately spit out the coffee she was drinking. "I'm sorry could you repeat that name." She asked. "Wait wait wait. Do you know Rocky." I asked. "Wha- No! I just thought you said a familiar name." She said stammering nervously. I hate liers, and she knew that she fucked up.

Jennifire's pov
What being killer to me means that you always have fun whenever you want. I'm either luring the police into finding me or tracking down my next victim. But today I'm just gonna be spending time with my family....which is what I hardly ever do. I mean it's the least I could do since its Christmas or whatever. But I doubt I'll actually care enough to go threw with it. I use the rooftops to get around, and when I was a novice at this. Man you wouldn't believe how many times I've fallen off the roof of a building trying to make an escape! .....Wait is that Rocky. And who's this that with him? Just as I was about to jump over to the next building to make my eyes weren't playing another illusion on me. They show up. Now I definitely know it was Rocky. "Well if it isn't my dearest siblings who I shared a womb with." I said as I turned around. "I know what you plan on doing Jen and it's not gonna happen." I hated it when she called me by my actual name. I knew that I couldn't escape both of them. Especially since they both know all my tricks. So the best thing to do was negotiate.

   "How about we just have a friendly chat with them." I said slyly.
   "I'm sorry. We?". She said as she got closer. "Yeah. I mean, aren't you the least bit curious to go see what they're doing or talking about?" They gave me a sus look.

  "Ok look Jennifire. Now's not a good time." Ekko said.

  "Yeah especially after the encounter you and Katie had with that police dog." Ivy chimed in with her sassy attitude. Welp. Looks like the cats outta the bag...but I'll play dumb just to see where this goes. "What are you talking about?" They both gave me the look and sighed out of my stupidity.

"Ok how about this. We can introduce you to them. And if all goes well then they'll hate you and maybe us to." He said as he realized the only outcome if they did do that. "Alright then. But if you try anything so help me god voy a lima heights en tu trasero." She said in a threatening tone. I wanted to ask if it was a threat or a promise, but I could tell she was already pissed off.

Rocky's pov
I needed to talk to Skye in private, and what better way to do that by going on a walk threw town. "Ok Rocky spill it. You dragged me out the house for something, so what is it." She said. I gave a long sigh before I answered her. I wasn't sure if I could tell her about me and Zuma being together. But I guess it's too late now. "Well you see uhhh...me and Zuma are," I was cut off by her squeals of happiness. I didn't understand girls but I did understand this one, and could tell she was overwhelmed with excitement. "Oh my goodness Rocky I can't believe it! You and Zuma are finally together, and my ship has finally sailed!!" Wait she shipped us. How long has she been doing this.


A familiar voice yelled. I looked around to see where it came from. But I didn't know until I looked behind me. Ivy was so close that I almost fell down. "Did I just hear what I thought I heard." She asked.

"Rocky who is this?" Skye asked.

"This is my coworker, boss, and friend, Ivy. Ivy this is Skye. "Hi! It's nice to finally meet you." Skye responded in a cheerful tone. Ivy just waved. I guess she hasn't met someone as energetic as Skye. Well now she has. Before I could say something, Ekko came running towards us. "Ok umm. Are you two following us?"

   "Three actually. We wanted only you but we never got the chance since we always forgot to ask." Ekko said trying to save himself from me. "Bryan and I want you to meet our other sister." Ivy told me. "Boo~" My nerves went into overdrive. But its who I saw that made my whole body freeze. "That's your sister!?!" Skye said trying not to yell. "Yep! All three of us are triplets. These two were just scared that Rocky and the rest of you wouldn't like them because they're related to a serial killer." "Especially if it was the same exact serial killer that hurt your precious little police pup." She said as she laughed a sinister laugh. Both Ivy and Ekko had this defeated look on their face. But the only thing I could think of was....What would the others do if they found out.

Ok guys here it is. My apologies for being late. This was supposed to be out on Christmas day but I had a Christmas party with the family. This is a little bit rushed but I will make it up to you in the next chapter. Like its says at the end of my bio stay smiling and stay strong :3

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