Chapter 7

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Rocky woke up with a sense of urgency. His heart was racing. He felt a feeling that he couldn't get rid of. Even though ut was just a dream, Rocky couldn't help but wonder if Ivy and Ekko could actually be related to that serial killer. As Rocky tried to gather his thoughts he got up and headed downstairs to grab a drink of water. And think about what he had dreamed of.

Chase's pov
After a long exhausting day at work I felt like collapsing. I opened the door hoping that I could grab a honeybun, walk to my room, and die. But to my surprise, not really, Rocky was awake lookin for something. I was too exhausted to ask and I didn't want to bother him so I tried to go to my room. "I know someone's there." His voice shook me to my core. I couldn't move, and my heart sank into what felt a feeling I had never felt before. "Oh it's just you. Sorry Chase." He said.
"What was that just now?" I asked.
"What do you mean?" He said. I positioned myself and stood up straight. "When you sensed my presence it was like I was overwhelmed with," I stopped to try and find right word to describe what I felt. It was quiet. But that silence was broken with the sound of a mug being filled with water only to be finished in 3 mighty gulps.

Rocky's pov

It was silent. And not only that it was very..very...very, awkward. "Well uh, goodnight then Chase." I said as I attempted to leave. "Zuma and Marshall told me what happened that night." Chase commented. I was silent. "Zuma said you kicked ass. I never knew to be the fighting type." I turned slowly facing Chase. "Heh-heh, neither did I." I said knowing why I responded the way I did.

Rocky's mind

"He's threatened by you just, as he should be. And soon they'll all start to turn on you."

"No. They wouldn't. They,"

"They would and they should. After all, you'll always be just toy for everyone to play with. Especially that dumbass Labrador."


"You know he's just using you."

"No he wouldn't he promised,"

"Promises were made to be broken. All he wants is your body against his,"

"SHUT UP. STOP, stop, just stop talking!"

Chase's POV

Before I could say anything else Rocky started muttering something. I couldn't hear him so I got closer to him. But something was off. He kept repeating the word "no" over and over again. The look on his face made me start to worry. I reached my hand to him but, he busted into tears. Oh shit . I thought about trying to pick him up but that only made it worse. Now he's uncontrollably shaking. Shit shit shit shit shit, Zuma is gonna kill me. I had only one thing left to try. "Rocky. I need you to breathe just breathe." I said in a calming manner. "Everything will be fine. Just breathe." I mean it was working...barely. But it worked long enough me to hoist him up and bring him into Zuma's room.

"Chase what the fuck do you want it's 4 in the godamn morning, what happened." Zuma became somewhat hostile towards the situation. Oh, I know why. Maybe it's because I'm carrying his boyfriend MARRIAGE STYLE! I'm going to be dead by midnight.

Zuma's pov

"So explain why the fuck you are holding my boyfriend." I became hostile towards Chase, my own friend. Is this what it feels like to be jealous and overprotective over someone. I'm gonna feel bad for this later on. Before he could open his mouth to speak. "Just give him here and get the fuck out." I snarled. Chase carefully placed him down and then left us alone. Rocky was still shaking and he was still crying. He noticed it was me and started to lay himself down on me. So I sat myself up just a little up so I could see him. "It's okay Rocky I'm here for you no matter what." I told him.

   "You promise?" He asked.

I yawned. "Pinky promise. Now, let's get some rest before tomorrow. We have an eventful day ahead us." I said. Rocky started to calm down as i gave him kisses and scratched his head. "I love you Rocky." I told giving him even more kisses. He giggled. "I love you to Zuma." He says as he snuggles close. Knowing that he's feeling better I close my eyes and drift off to sleep. My only question can I help him.

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