New member!! Or manager?

Start from the beginning

"Watcha doing here big biddies... you know. Now that I think about it you got pretty big tits for a guy? Oh well I know a guy who has a fat ass! You might know him he goes to Fukurodani" He laughed. See if I were a guy, id laugh about it as well but im not so I stood there speechless with a pink face. Good thing Tamaki was around to hear it in which he slapped the back of rooster boys head.

"Hey! I know hes your brother but its true!" Kuroo sulked.

"You shouldn't be looking there in the first place! We respect everyone no matter who they are!" While they were arguing I quickly snuck off to the back of the gym where the drink fountains were, I took a sip then got over dozens of messages from Tamaki who was freaking out about my disappearance. I knew I was gonna get in trouble but I just went anyways. As soon as I got home my mum looked at me shocked because it was still only like 11 in the morning.

"What are you doing back here?" She asked "what about school?!" She looked confused.

'Ahhh fuck I forgot lmaoo'
"I felt sick so they sent me home" I lied.

"Ok well your going back tomorrow" she said. I nodded in response.

I took my shoes off then heading to my room, placing my stuff down, grabbing out my phone and earphones, I put some music on and decided to draw a bit, so I grabbed some chocolate out from my secret stash *wink wink* for my motivation, and started drawing. Halfway through I started drifting off to sleep having slept until my brother came home in which SURPRISE! He bought the whole team with him.

"Mum we'll be out back discussing important things, the seniors also have to study for something important and a couple may be saying the night is that ok?" He asked.

"Sure but clean your mess and keep quiet dont forget you have school tomorrow so dont stay up to late" she replied.
Tamaki escorted the boys the pool room where he sleeps. Its surprisingly big enough for all of them. He then comes in (by himself) and comes in my room.

"I assume you already know the boys are here" he said.


"Ok well Im gonna need you to stay in your room, I dont want them hitting in you or anything, especially Kuroo!" He said "Oh and dont ever leave for home without me I was worried sick!" Damn overprotective much, I rolled my eyes in response. "I love you. Your my little sister and I just want to take care of you, you know that right? If you were actually my little brother then things would be different, but your a GIRL! I cant let them do anything to you"

"I know, now go tend to your team" I pushed him out my room.

Its not like they're gonna know I'm a girl, I mean I still have short hair and as long as I still have the bandage around my breasts with baggy clothes on, they totally wont catch on but ugh this is gonna take a lot of getting used to.

Time passed slowly and I walked downstairs making my presence barely known, sneaking in the kitchen. I was so proud of my stealthiness and how I was so unnoticed that I didn't notice the whole team sitting in the kitchen watching my back slowly sneak in.

"Ahem" one of the team players coughed.

I turn all startled holding in my scream. "So yall are in here huh...?" They all nod in response.

"Wheres Tamaki? Shouldn't he be with you?" I asked.

They looked to one another as if they didn't know. Great so my useless brother left somewhere leaving me with a whole team of volleyball players. The whole team sat there watching me rage over my brothers stupid gesture and looked kinda scared. I then calmed down a bit as I heard the back door open. I walk over to the door and threw my shoe at the person who walked in.

"If your GOING TO BRING FRIENDS OVER! Then HANG OUT WITH THEM DON'T JUST LEAVE! That is RUDE and you KNOW that!!" I finish lecturing him then look up to see his face.


"OMG! ROOSTER HEAD!! I am soooooo sorry" I apologised continuously.

"I- um its fine? Jeez your scary" he chuckled.

I got him some ice wrapped in a tea towel then gave it to Kuroo, when I placed it on where I threw the shoe at him he flinched quite a bit.

"How hard did I hit you?!" I asked kind of surprised.

"Pretty hard to be honest" he smiled.

He grabbed the ice, looked at me and pat me on the back as if he was reassuring me that he's ok, I smiled back at him and we just laugh. Finally Tamaki actually had come home and boy did he get the biggest lecture of his life. Unfortunately for him the whole team saw laughing, and recording.

"Aye bro! I dont know why your so protective of him, he looks like he can take a better punch then you." They all laugh.

Knowing my anger issues I wasn't quite done just yet. I turned to the rest of the team looked them dead in the eye making them jump a little and simply told them...

"Don't think your off the hook. Y'all made a mess in my house! Y'all can clean this shit up! No Mr nice guy from Nekomas new manager so CHOP CHOP" I yelled making Tamaki somewhat proud.

"EH?!" They all yelled.

"Our managers a GUY?!"

"Hell yeah!😌 If you gotta problem tell someone who cares now clean my god damn house!!" I snapped.

I must be pretty scary huh? I just laughed about it as I watched the team clean my house, once it was sparkling I gave them a smile and turned to my room walking away quietly. Im gonna have so much fun this year~

'Things will get better' they said. (Kuroo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now