Our little secret.

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(A/N) I dont think this chapter goes anywhere. Just for entertainment purposes only I think. BUT SURPRISE GUEST WILL BE IN THIS EPISODE SO GO GET YOUR POPCORN, GO BUST A NUT GO GET YOUR DRINKS AND SHUT THE FUCK UP🥰

I had gotten to Kuroo's house and wow, I didnt really pay attention to the details last night huh? The house is a fair medium size that looks fancy but would be classified casual amongst rich houses. Like a rich person who'd say they aint rich but comfortable. Yet this bitch says hes broke..

Knocking on his front door revealed the bed headed boy surprisingly still in his pyjamas with the same smirk slapped on his face as always.

"Whueyyy- hehehe! Heya Chibi-chan!" He greeted me.

I slightly wave back confused as to why he's not ready yet. He signals for me to come in which I accepted.

I stand my Bike, leaving it somewhere safe, making my way to his front door slowly walking along the path surrounded by the greenest grass I could ever imagine and beautiful flowers with colours of many. Such a breathtaking sight in broad daylight, makes me wonder how mesmerising they'd look beneath the moonlight.

Back to the point.

I take my shoes off at his door and step inside. The tiles as cold as winter but the warmth his home brings make it that much easier to bare.

"You should probably get ready. School starts soon you know so we don't have long" I remind him.

He closes the door and smiles at me.

"Or. I do you one better. We don't go to school. And have... A Bros day!!" His menacing laugh says it all.

"What do you mean?"

Suddenly im being dragged and pulled upstairs, the speed were running at causes me to trip almost falling.

"BAHAHAHAHA watch your step chibi-chan"

We continue to run then he throws me into what looks like a spare room.

"Get dressed, you can wear my clothes for now, we cant necessarily have a bros day if your wearing school uniform, we'd only get in trouble" he shuts the door and walks away.

I walk around the room to see clothes placed on the bed with a pair of shoes and socks. Man must think im a doll or something. I dress and look in a mirror that just so conveniently sits in the room.

"He has good taste not gonna lie."

I walk out the room to see him nicely dressed leaning against the wall looking down on his phone. Suddenly he looks up and shows a rather different expression to what I've seen from him before.

"What? Do I smell or something?" I asked kind of worried.

"Nah its not that" he reassures.
"I just find it annoying that you look better in my clothes than I do" he lets out a soft but deep laugh in which I chuckle to follow. He steps closer to me and already I can smell the refreshing scent of his cologne. I sat awkwardly as he kept walking at a slow pace finally reaching an arms length away from one another. He looks down on me smiles and pats my back.

"Let's have a day off to take in last nights event. Plus it'd be a good opportunity to learn the ways of a lady killer" He laughed.

"Hmph. 1) your hot breath kills both women AND men so stop tryna get your hopes up and 2) boy I could pull more girls in my sleep than your rooster head ass could ever dream of."

He looks at me in horror making me burst into tears of laughter. He then immediately runs into the bathroom with the following sounds of him brushing his teeth.

"PFFT- AGAHAHAAGA OMG BRO I WASNT SERIOUS CHILLAX" now. I am on the verge of pissing my pants😅

He comes out laughing at my attempts to breathe, easily I get knocked on the floor still laughing with my backside laying down. I hold my breathe and calm down a bit. Kuroo pulls me up and before you know it were outside.

"Yo by the way I invited a couple guys to come hang." I shrug at this comment hopping on my bike.

This bitch.






"NO!" The argument was back n forth and back n forth, it never came to an end til I got my moneys worth.

"Hehehe well why didnt you say so lets go!"

"Greedy bastard YOUR MAKING ME BROKE!"

"Take it up with the gas prices" I smirk in victory.


We arrive in town (city) heading towards *dramatic gasp* BUBBLE TEA!!!! I try holding in my excitement so Kuroo doesn't notice. I order my drink and all of a sudden im the happiest guy in the world. Well until I heard him.


"Bokuto shut up!" Kuroo and AKAASHI?! WHY?! Why are they here?! I choke on the pearls almost spitting them out.

"ALL I SAID WAS HEY?! You don't have to be assholes! Hmph" hes still the same. Both of them are, well I guess its only been since the end of last year.

"Hey. Whos that?" Akaashi asked.

We hold eye contact causing me to stand. I have no idea how to respond. If I tell them my name Bokuto might reveal me, but I cant make up a name in front of Kuroo. He'll look at me weird and think im suspicious. I inhale deeply gathering my thoughts, hence my reply.

"Hello. Im Nekomas new manager. Crazy right. A guy as a manager" I laughed.

"Yeah im more surprised you don't remember him. He went to your school and said he was your manager" KUROOO NOOO!!!

Internally screaming atm... I need some time.

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(Im sorry😭 its 6am)

Ok im good now. 

"No! Sorry I lied. I wanted to look experienced!"  My inner rage is screaming at me to just tell them the truth but I really want to drag it out. Its just the third day surely I can go longer than a week.

"But yes I did go to Fukurodani. Nice to meet you."

I extended my arm to greet the both of them in which they returned.

"HEY! Im Bokuto! Nice to meet you too!"

"Im Akaashi. And likewise. Hopefully your not as much as a handful as these two." Kuroo and Bokuto look at Akaashi with him smiling at himself but focusing his gaze on me to ignore their behaviour.

"So! Lets get going!"

"Wait but we dont know his na-"

"Sure where are we going first?" Akaashi interrupted Bokuto.

Bokuto got pretty riled up when all his attention went to an advertisement that showed race cars.

"THAT!" He pointed and yelled.

It does look fun so we all agreed and took off. Akaashi and Bokuto went in their car leading the way, with Kuroo and I following behind.


-y'all Idek what this chapter is ill do a proper storyline in the next page😂😭

'Things will get better' they said. (Kuroo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now