c.3: we're royally fucked

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Disposing the body of Sacrifice Samuel was easy enough, Max and I moved him out to the garage-shed sort of thing

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Disposing the body of Sacrifice Samuel was easy enough, Max and I moved him out to the garage-shed sort of thing. Once that was done, we walked inside to see an almost completely cleaned living room. There was almost no blood on the floor now, the only blood seen was on John and Leah's shirts, my hair and a bit still on my face. It sucked. I mean, yes, Max has a point, when I'm covered in blood I look pretty hot, but I only feel pretty hot for a second. Then the blood feels all sorts of sticky and disgusting, and it really doesn't feel 'hot' at all.

After another minute of making sure all the blood is well cleared away, we start heading upstairs to the 'Innocent One's' room. I take Max's hand as we walk, mainly for the comfort factor of it all. All of us sneak into his room, looking around and verbally giving our vastly different opinions.

"Ohmagod, this room is adorable."-Sonya.

"He's so cute. You have no idea."-Bea.

Max, John and I flip through some nerdy ass books.

"This is a nerd town..." I mumble.

"This kid reading The Secret? He's what, ten years old? Yo, what secrets you gotta be keeping at ten?"-John, obviously.

"Oh man, Jules Verne! I read some of this shit!"-Max. Yup. That's the guy I love.

"Won't he hear us?" Allison whispers.

Ah, Allison. Always the one to question Bea's plans. The idiot should know Bea is never wrong.

"With the amount of drugs I gave him? Heeeeeeelll no." Bea draws out the 'hell' part of her sentence, probably for reassurance or some shit like that. She sits down on his bed, and I tense a bit. "He's been my project. I've been watching him for two years."

If I watched a kid as quiet as Cole for two years, I'd probably kill them.

"Damn girl. That's some sadistic shit." Max jokes, but at the same time, he's serious.

"It's not sadistic. It's an honor." Bea bites back, then looks at Sonya. "Do you have the needle?"

"Yup!" Sonya-on her own perfectly creepy cue-pulls out the needle, handing it to Bea.

Bea does her syringe-y thing, but I turn back to all of the books and shit Cole has in his room. Do I zone out a bit? Yeah, listening to their sadistic dialogue and satan shit can get boring from time to time-right now being one of those times. There's one book that catches my attention more than the rest, one that I read when I was just a bit older than Cole: The Outsiders. I had read it with my now dead ex boyfriend. And just like that, an entire memory hits me.


the memory

"Hear me out before you get all snappy, Claire!" Alex-my amazing boyfriend-raises his hands, a sign of clear surrender. "I'm not saying that the Socs are good, but given the choice of being a Greaser or being a Soc, I would choose Soc!"

I shake my head, "And why would you choose the Socs over the Greasers? Because they have more money and privileges than the Greasers do?"

"Well......yes. But maaaybe..." He starts his sentence, realizes he has no valid point, so then shuts up.

The second I'm given the chance, I toss my hard copy cover of The Outsiders at his arm. It misses and hits his head, but the point is that I tried hitting somewhere other than his arm. It just didn't go as planned, and there's nothing I can do about that!

"Doll! Why'd you do that?!" Alex asks as though I need a real reason.

"You chose the Socs over the Greasers. It's a code for you to die and rot and hell." I deadpan, sitting back in my red wheelie chair.

"Woah, cool it, tiger. Sadistic much?" He laughs, and for some reason there is a real hint of nervousness in his voice.

"Well, it is getting closer and closer to Halloween! I have to be in the killer type of mood. Especially if I'm gonna be one of the sexy girls from The Purge."

"You scare me sometimes, Claire. I hope you know that."

"Oh, I know." I smirk and lean closer. "That's how I like it."

He pulls me close and kisses my neck, which slightly makes me uncomfortable. But whatever, I saw him getting a bit drunk earlier, he has a reason. But does he have a reason for cheating on me with the H.B.I.C.? Well, he better have a good one, or else....I did say he'd rot in hell, didn't I?


"Claire," Max whispers, and I look around, pulled out of the memory to see we've moved back to the living room.

"What? Since when have we been in the living room?" I ask, cocking an eyebrow.

"That doesn't matter. We have bigger issues than that right now. Someone saw us." Max huffs, and I realize his shirt is off.

Oh, fuck me gently with a chainsaw is he hot. And that's when I notice Cole tied to a chair in the middle of the room. My eyes widen. He really saw us? What did he see? Did he see everything? Why isn't he knocked out from the drugs? Why don't I remember any of this happening?

"Oh. Fuck."

And Cole's eyes flutter open. At first, he looks at Bea, then he looks at everyone else, and then he focuses on Max before turning back to face Bea.

"Why is he shirtless?" Cole asks, which makes me laugh.

"You're too young for that talk, little guy." I lean against Max with a smirk, and Cole's eyes widen with disgust.

"Damn girl, you really went for it there! Okay!" John laughs, clearly impressed.

"Of course she did, John. Remember how she's an NC-17 nightmare?" Leah smirks, then looks at Cole. "You're too young for that too."

Allison stares at Cole, dumbfounded. "How can you even ask that? I mean, look at him."

I tense up at Allison's suggestive comment, but Max just stretches his arms open so Cole can get a full look at his chiseled body.

"I still don't get it." Cole says, proving my point that he's actually an idiot in a nerd's body.

"We're royally fucked, you know that, Max? We're absolutely royally fucked." I look at him, sighing.

We're royally fucked. 

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