Harry's Birthday

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As had become his tradition, Harry saw his birthday arrive. At exactly midnight, there was a tap on the window. Having expected it, Harry was already opening the windowpane before the bird finished its first tap.

He relieved the owl of its burden and offered it an owl treat from the jar Draco kept on the desk. He left the window open and soon saw Ron's tiny ball of feathers, Pigwidgeon, zooming toward the house. Errol, the Weasley's family owl, was not far behind him.

Harry took the shrunken parcel from the excited owl and gave it a treat. Errol had collapsed onto the desk as soon as he got through the window. Harry untied the package and gently laid the bird near a bowl of water and some treats. He knew the owl would be sleeping for a while.

He heard the bed covers rustling and then the sound of bare feet on the hardwood before a pair of strong arms wrapped around him from behind. Harry leaned back into the embrace and smiled when he felt a gentle kiss to the side of his neck.

"Happy birthday, Harry," Draco whispered against his skin, making Harry shiver.

Harry stood for a moment, basking in the warm embrace. Then he turned to kiss Draco. It was a soft, chaste kiss, and Harry pulled back before Draco could deepen it. He turned back to the desk. Pig and the unknown owl had left, but as expected, Errol was sleeping where Harry had left him.

Harry reached for the package from Ron and pulled off the paper. He was happy to see the broom service kit because he had run low on supplies. Ron always knew when Harry needed new supplies and Harry was grateful for such an observant friend.

Errol had brought a book on his family history from Hermione. He opened the front cover and found a beautifully illustrated family tree. Harry traced his parents' names and followed the tree back a few generations, just looking and not really taking in the names. He snapped the book shut and laid it on the desk, a smile tugging at his lips. Hermione also always knew the perfect thing to get him.

The unknown owl had delivered his customary fudge and rock cakes from Hagrid. He left the tin by the fire to soften them up. Harry knew from experience that there was no other way to eat Hagrid's creations, but he appreciated the gifts nonetheless.

"Come to bed," Draco said when Harry turned away from the fire.

He reached his hand out and Harry grasped it. Harry allowed Draco to pull him to the bed and they collapsed together. Harry fell asleep to the feeling of Draco's nimble fingers carding through his hair.

"Master Harry, please wake up sir," was what Harry heard upon waking a few hours later.

He sat up and rubbed his eyes before reaching for his glasses. He heard Draco groan behind him and echoed his feelings. It was much too early.

"What time is it, Dobby?" Harry asked.

"It is being seven in the morning, Harry Potter, sir."

"Why am I getting up?" Harry groaned; they had gotten to bed around one or two, so he had only had about five hours of sleep or so.

He sat up and reached for his robe, not waiting for Dobby's answer.

"Mistress Cissa is having breakfast ready for sirs," Dobby answered and promptly popped away.

Harry stood and ambled towards the bathroom. He took a quick shower and changed, knowing Draco would still be asleep. Just as Harry suspected, Draco was lying in bed with a pillow over his head. Harry threw open the curtains and pulled the blanket down. Draco groaned, but made no move to get up.

"Come up, get up you lazy lout," Harry said.

Draco moved the pillow enough to glare at Harry for a second then moved it back.

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