Draco's Birthday

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"Lucius," Harry greeted with a congenial nod.

"Potter," Lucius sneered back.

"Lunch is ready. Why don't we eat and then Draco can open his gifts," Narcissa suggested.

Harry took his seat beside Draco as several house elves appeared with the food. They served themselves and ate while making idle chat. Harry avoided Lucius as much as possible and spoke to Draco and Severus, while including Narcissa as much as possible. Lunch was delicious, as usual, and Harry found himself enjoying the day so far.

After lunch, they moved into one of the parlors on the main floor. Harry could see that Draco was trying to contain his excitement. It was obvious the blond loved getting presents. Harry couldn't blame him, nor could he keep the soft smile from his face as he watched Draco bounce in anticipation.

They sat around the fire with Harry and Draco sharing the sofa with Narcissa, and Severus and Lucius occupying the two wingback chairs on either side of the fireplace, facing the trio.

Severus handed Draco his present first and Draco tore off the paper. He dropped the paper to the floor, completely disregarding it in favor of what was inside. Harry noted that it was a master level potions kit.

"Thank you so much, Uncle Severus!" Draco effused.

Since Draco was apprenticing under Severus, Harry thought this was an appropriate gift from the potions master. Draco would certainly get a lot of use out of it. Harry was sure Draco would have loved it even if he wasn't apprenticing to be a Master Potioneer himself.

Harry was surprised that Lucius and Narcissa gave separate gifts. Lucius handed his over next. Once again, Draco tore the paper with absolutely no care.

From his father, Draco had received a ring with the Malfoy family crest. Lucius explained that the ring had wards that protected against some of the major curses that the heir ring didn't include in its' protections.

"Mine next, dear," Narcissa said. She handed him a box. Harry was pretty sure it was clothes because it looked like all the boxes Dudley used to hate getting for his birthday and Christmas.

With no paper to tear, Draco simply lifted the lid of the long box. Inside was a set of gorgeous silver robes. Draco was not Dudley, and he seemed quite delighted with the gift. They looked so soft that Harry couldn't resist reaching out and dragging his fingers along the fabric. Draco lifted the robes from the box.

"What's the material?" Harry asked, still stroking the soft folds.

"Acromantula silk. I bought it from Madame Toussaint's in Paris," Narcissa replied.

"They're lovely, mum. Thank you," Draco said absently, still admiring the robes in his hands.

Draco refolded and replaced the robes back into the box. He placed the box on the floor and looked up at Harry expectantly. Harry tried to smile, but in his nervous state it came out as more of a grimace. While he was sure Draco would like it, Harry wasn't so sure it was exactly birthday present material.

He reached into his pocket and retrieved the small rectangular package. It was wrapped, by Hermione of course, in green foil paper with a silver bow on top. He passed it to Draco, who seemed simultaneously eager and apprehensive. In all likelihood due more to Harry's grimace than any true worry on Draco's part, Harry knew.

Showing unprecedented patience and care, Draco slid his finger between the tape and paper and lifted, taking care to remove the paper. When he tossed the paper aside he revealed a leather-bound journal. It was green and obviously old. For a moment, Draco just stared at the front cover. Then he looked at Harry with wide eyes that were suspiciously shiny.

"Is this what I think it is?" Draco breathed out.

"That depends on what you think it is," Harry hedged.

He couldn't judge Draco's reaction and that worried him. He had hoped Draco would like the gift.

"Is this actually a hand-written potions journal? Written by none-other than Salazar-founder-of-my-house-Slytherin>" Draco asked, voice still breathy.

"Er, yeah. Yeah it is."

The look on Draco's face at Harry's admission removed any doubts he had had. The way Draco's face lit up, his eyes widened and still shiny, made Harry's heart flutter. Best of all was the wide, genuine, smile on Draco's face. Harry loved that smile, and felt a warm sense of accomplishment at having it aimed at him.

Of course Lucius would try to ruin it.

Harry didn't hear the spell, but he saw the acid green light coming his way and rolled his eyes.

"You didn't even try to get out of the way?" Lucius asked, aghast.

"What's the point? Even if you mean it, nothing will happen," Harry answered with a careless shrug.

Harry took a sip of his tea and made a point of looking away from Lucius.

"So, how was your birthday, love?" Harry asked Draco.

Lucius fumed in the chair in front of Harry and he could almost feel the glare the other man was surely aiming at him. Draco glanced between Harry and Lucius once before taking Harry's cue and ignoring the murder attempt.

"It's been lovely. I'm very happy with my gifts and getting to spend the day with my favorite people," Draco answered.

While he was talking, Harry slipped his wand into his hand and discreetly pointed it at Lucius. With a whispered "colovaria" Harry charmed Lucius' hair pink again. He glared at Severus to warn him against saying anything.

Narcissa hid her smile behind her teacup, and Harry hoped Lucius either didn't see it, or misinterpreted it. Draco's eyes widened, but he was turned mostly away from Lucius, so Harry hoped the man didn't notice that either.

As the day went on, Harry saw Lucius' increasingly confused looks, especially when Narcissa couldn't hide her grin any longer. Harry was happy to have his prank last as long as it had. The first time he had done it, Draco ruined it by laughing immediately.

Harry and Draco were settling in for bed when Lucius found the prank. His bellow of rage was loud enough to hear from three suites over. Draco and Harry laughed so hard they had tears streaming down their faces. They clutched their stomachs and rolled around on the bed. They each fell asleep with a smile that night.

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