Facing each other, a silver, blue-handled dagger materialized in his hand. The sharp, shiny blade met the boy's neck immediately. He had no intention of cutting the head off his neck, but God, it would be satisfying.

The boy did not even seem to be able to formulate words. His face immediately turned pale as they looked into each other's eyes. Loki could feel a lot of emotions: Fear, remorse, sadness, anger, confusion. He was absorbing every drop of all those feelings.

As much as Thor was shouting his name, threatening to use his powers to stop him, nothing seemed to be able to calm his anger. Nothing or no one. And what's more, Loki was more than aware that his brother would never lay a finger on him, after what they had been through together in an attempt to save the world.

Every attempt had been in vain. Until that moment.


Though in a confused state, he could recognise that voice. It wasn't distant like when they spoke in opposite dimensions, or muffled like the one in the visions. It was real and clean. And broken by sobs.

"Loki, what are you doing?"






He couldn't take his eyes off the boy's, not even as he moved his lips slowly, formulating a question that was certainly not directed at him, but at the girl who was hiding her frightened best friend behind her.

"I spent months on end in a cage like I was a lab rat trying to save the world," he had begun, as the grip on the poor Midgardian's shirt collar became tighter. Although he couldn't see it, he knew that Thor behind him was silently asking the two girls to stay put. "I have lost every ounce of my power to do a good deed. To make me what you always thought I was. And what do I get?"


"Experiments. I have been subjected to billions of experiments in an attempt to regain my magic. I have spent days writing to you. I could hear you talking as I was studied," he had continued, slowly brushing the boy's skin with his blade. He began to cry, praying in a low voice that nothing would happen to him.

"Leave him. Let's talk about this, alone, just the two of us" she had said, beginning to take a few small steps in his direction. Lola had tried to stop her, grabbing her by the wrist, but she had turned around and barely nodded, soothing her. "Loki, look at me. It's me."

Her tone of voice was constantly broken by gentle sobs. She was visibly trembling, her eyes frightened and an expression of pure confusion on her face. No one could see how this was going to end.

"Please," she had murmured again, in a faint whisper.

Loki didn't look away from the boy's face for even half a second, but his grip began to be full strong as time passed. When he was finally free, touching the ground with his feet, he fell to the ground at dead weight, breathing heavily. "What the hell is wrong with you?" he had exclaimed, bringing a hand to his neck, probably to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

"Shut up before I change my mind," Loki answered him, making the dagger disappear with a snap of his fingers.

Thor ran over to the boy, offering him a hand to put him back on his feet. Although he was frightened and hesitant, he grasped the hand of the god, who lifted him up with a minimum of effort. He had muttered something like "You beings are out of your minds", but no one was paying the slightest attention to him now.

Soulmates - Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now