chapter six

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"So? He will come from his planet on a white horse, ready to take you away from me forever? Will you also end up locked in a comic book? Will I have to go into those filthy shops full of hormones and pimples in order to talk to you?".

Lola. Dear, dearest Lola. You turn away, looking at her with one eyebrow raised. She looks at you too, as if she had said nothing wrong. You whisper to her, "I advise you not to continue", as threatening as it is ironic, to which the girl pretends to frighten herself.

Both of you try to suppress some laughter, while in the meantime you force your eyes on your books, trying not to burst.
She seemed to be extremely happy to hear that Loki was working hard to find a solution to their problem. Of course, Lola still couldn't understand what a Tesseract was and why a Doctor was called Strange, but she slowly took small steps towards the right reasoning. And all she did was take an interest in it as if it were her own, her own soul mate. It didn't bother you at all, on the contrary. It's nice to have someone to talk to about it without restraint, even if, as far as other friends were concerned, you had to hide it all by saying that it was simply part of a completely different state and that it would take a while.

Lola hits your hip with her elbow. "Are you thinking about the love of your life?" She purrs, looking down at you. You raise your eyes to the sky. How do you resist someone like her?

"You two, there in the back", the professor calls you back from his desk. The whole class moves in unison, turning towards you two, who inevitably burst into a loud laugh. The professor takes off his glasses, "I had no intention of sending you to detention, but you force me. Have a good time."

Even in detention, you ended up talking about Loki. Not by your will, anyway. Lola simply wanted to know everything. She was always commenting on how she wanted to be there at the first meeting, hoping Thor would be there too. "He's the one with the blonde hair and big muscles, isn't he?" she asked, banging out her doe eyes. You'd thrown a paper ball at her forehead in response. "You already have a soulmate."

Anyway, it wasn't all girl talk. After being silent for a while, both of you looking at the books for about twenty minutes, with lost expressions and little interest in homework, Lola sighs, attracting your attention.

You close the book, but you don't look at her. "What is it, Lola?", you tell her, aware that she already had another question ready for you.

She bites her cheek. "How do you think this business of yours is going to end?".

Now she has all your attention. You turn completely towards her, resting your back against the wall of the classroom. For a moment you open your eyes wide. "Meaning?".

She raises her shoulders, and then shrugs. "You know what I mean", she answers quietly, perhaps for once really scared at the idea of having dared a little too much with such a question. "You can't live together forever. And what will happen if he doesn't manage to... Teleport himself, or what do you want to call that idea of his?".

Well. You hadn't thought about that yet. Everything but this. You promised yourself not to rush to certain conclusions, but simply to live in the moment to the fullest. As difficult as it might have been. But actually... How could everything go well if Doctor Strange couldn't help him?
But even if they could have met one day, how would it have turned out? Loki had a kingdom to run with his brother in a parallel universe. And you had a future ahead of you. A career to chase.

You bite your lip, looking everywhere but straight into the eyes of your friend who murmurs excuses, bringing you back to reality.
In response you shake your head, and tell her everything is fine. On the other hand, it was normal for a friend to worry.

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