chapter five

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The tension in the Avengers Tower was palpable. Thick as nothing before. They were all ready to attack at the right moment. Thor had to immediately take himself in front of his brother, stopping the Black Widow who had her hand ready on the gun. "Don't test me," she had told him, going face to face, "I remember what she did to me. I am a vindictive person."

Thor had tried to calm the souls of all of them simply by saying jokes and laughing even when there was no need, as he used to do. There were those who seemed to be more prepared to listen to them, and those who weren't, like Miss Romanoff who stood in the corner of the living room with her arms tied to her chest, her inquisitive gaze and not at all threatened by Loki's presence.

"So, tell me again why you are here", Tony Stark tells him, sitting on the sofa as if nothing was wrong, unlike the others. Thor turns to Loki, inviting him to speak. He could not allow himself to lie in such circumstances. And he couldn't expect anything else from his brother. He had to acknowledge that he had already done enough, allowing him to visit that place again and saving him from the instinctive attack that would have come from his friends. So he takes a few steps towards them, and sighs. "I know there is no good blood between us", he begins, looking each one of them individually in the eyes. The woman with the flame-red hair lets out a laugh, clearly ironic. "But I am here to ask for your help."

"No way", it's Steve Rogers' voice that interrupts him this time, who is no longer wearing that ridiculous homeland hero outfit of his. He's looking down on him. "Give me one reason why I should help you after all you have done to our people. No offense, Thor, but what were you thinking when you thought this was a good idea?" he continues, looking at him almost annoyed.

Thor shrugs. Pure anger begins to take hold of Loki, but he knows he can't afford to make the slightest misstep. He certainly has no intention of finding himself humiliated in front of everyone, with chains on his wrists and a stupid gizmo covering his mouth again. Better to avoid. The real question was, why make it difficult? Why test his patience? He already had very little of it, and for the most part, his tense nerves were not helping him in any way. Loki sighs loudly, closing his eyes for a moment. By Odin's beard, couldn't they just be silent and listen to him? Stupid humans. Always on the edge.

It would have been much quieter and simpler if they stopped looking at him as if he were going to kill each one of them. Sure, they clearly had a bad past behind them, but now? He came in with his hands up, swearing that he had no bad intentions. And he's begging them for help. "It's about a fundamental issue. A soulmate one, I don't know how familiar you are with it...", Loki resumes, teeth clenched. This time, everyone laughs in unison. Loki clenches his fists, what's so funny about this tragic situation?

"I can't believe it," Tony says, carrying his arms to his chest. He has that stupid expression on his face that Loki would like to pull away with a single stroke of magic. But he can't. And he curses the whole world for it. "You, I mean... You, Loki, you really have a soul mate?",

"Yes, I do," he replies almost immediately, praying that his stupid mouth would shut instantly. He wouldn't want to have to resort to bad manners. And yet, he feels he is very close to it. But force a smile, relax your shoulders. Fake it, Loki. That's what you're best at. You are the king of lies. Make them believe that you have no bad intentions towards them, and they will fall at your feet. "That is why I am asking for your help, and I would be grateful if you would pay me some attention."

It was not at all easy to make them understand the situation, no matter how hard they were trying. Loki thought it was understandable. On the other hand, he himself had to ask several times to explain it again because he couldn't keep up. Everyone was making theories about every single detail, and Loki would have wanted to yell at them to shut up and let him speak first, but he had to bite his tongue over and over again to prevent that from happening. Oh, what was he turning into for his soulmate?

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