Chapter 18 - Good Tricks, Bad Tricks

Start from the beginning

"Like this?" Momo asked. Kyouka checked Momo's board.

"Yeah, just like that." Kyouka said approvingly. "After that, you want to jump, using you feet to flip the board over in its original position. You then land on the board with your feet.".

Kyouka performed the trick flawlessly. It was a beginners trick after all. She jumped, flipping the skateboard over as described, landing on it perfectly.

"Tada!" Kyouka exclaimed. Momo seemed impressed, but also nervous about it.

"That seems pretty difficult. What if I fall over?" Momo asked. Kyouka shook her head.

"You won't. This is a pretty simple trick. From what I've seen, you seem to be good at keeping your balance. This should be easy for you." Kyouka explained. Momo nodded. "Besides, if you happen to fall, I'll be behind you to catch you. Though it's a trick that once you get it, you'll repeat it without falling. It all about your balance at the precise moment.".

"Alright then." Momo said. Kyouka went behind Momo as she got ready to catch the girl incase she fell.

The black-haired girl jumped and flipped the board with both her feet as she successfully landed on the skateboard. Though she was about to lose her balance, she quickly managed to balance herself again, squatting down a little.

"I did it..." Momo muttered. "I did it!". Kyouka nodded.

"You sure did!" Kyouka chirped. The two looked at each other and shared a bright laugh. It was almost like sparkles were surrounding them. Birds were singing around the two girls and the sun was just focusing on warming up both of their lonely hearts, which were now not so lonely.

The moment faded when a couple of footsteps were heard approaching the two girls. Momo and Kyouka looked over at who was heading their way, and it seemed to be Denki, Kirishima and Mina heading back.

"Hey guys! Sorry we took so long." Kirishima apologised. Denki and Mina nodded.

"Yeah, I had a lot of stuff to show them." Denki said. "You know, tricks and shit.".

"No worries!" Momo said, stepping off of her skateboard. "Kyouka was teaching me a trick herself actually. I landed it too!". The three others seemed pretty surprised and impressed while Kyouka nodded.

"Yeah!" Kyouka said, glancing at Momo. "You could show them.".

Momo nodded. She repeated the steps of the trick. Turning over the skateboard, she positioned it over her feet. Taking her time, she bent her body as she jumped up, flipping the board over.

Though her landing was off. Her feet were positioned slightly off and the board completely went off, rolling away in the distance. It was like everything just happened in slow motion. Momo fell over, losing her balance as she hit the cold stone ground. Her elbow was scratched against the floor during her fall.

As gasps of worry and panicking voices erupted, Momo felt the end of her elbow hurt. Kyouka quickly headed over to help Momo up.

"Are you okay?!" Kyouka asked, her voice seemed to be filled with care and worry. The others were asking similar questions, but Momo seemed to only be hearing Kyouka's voice.

"Y-yeah. I'm alright." Momo reassured, slowly standing back up with Kyouka's help. The purple-haired girl seemed to worry even more as she looked at the injury.

"You are definitely not alright! Your elbow is bleeding!" Kyouka pretty much yelled. Momo seemed to not believe it at first, but when she saw small droplets of blood fall from her arm to the floor, it was definite.

"Does anyone have plasters or bandages?" Mina asked, looking around the place. Denki and Kirishima shook their heads.

"No, I didn't bring anything today. I wasn't expecting this..." Kirishima replied honestly. Denki nodded.

"Same as Kirishima.". Mina groaned in frustration.

"I had bandages at lunch, but I used up my last roll to help a kid that fell down and hurt their knee." Mina said, a tone of sorry in her voice.

"I have bandages, but they're back home." Kyouka remembered. She looked at the injury. "I think we'll have to head home early. We're neighbours, so I'll get her some on the way.".

Mina nodded. Kyouka grabbed her skateboard with her left arm as she got Momo's with her right arm. The purple-haired girl looked around at her friends.

"It was nice seeing you guys, but we'll be going now." Kyouka said. Denki and Kirishima nodded, and Mina hummed in agreement.

"Yeah, you two get home. It'd be bad if Momo's wound gets infected." Kirishima said.

The group of friends waved each other goodbye as Momo and Kyouka headed towards the exit of the skatepark.

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