Chapter 2: Secrets

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(CONTENT is lgbtq+ do not leave your negativity or disgusting comments.)







The bell had finally rung. The students rushed out like a swarm of ants. Jungkook put his phone into his pocket. Grabbing his notebook and ready to sprint out of there.






"Jungkook," I say sternly before he can get up. He shot me a quick glance of surprise.

"I need to talk to you, will you come here?" I asked calmly as possible. He walks to me with his stupid smirk appearing on his lips.

"Yes, prof?" he asked tauntingly.

"Jungkook, as your teacher I'm going to tell you exactly how it is, why are you so irresponsible? Is there something going on at home making you late? I know you're rich but whenever I see you, you have a bruise or a cut, and every time they're new," I paused looking at his face. His smirk was gone replaced with a puzzled look.

"How did you notice?" He asked his voice not mocking but serious. Was he being domestically abused?

I didn't say anything. I took his arm. I could tell he was going to pull away. But I shook my head. He resisted for a moment, I could see his thoughts flicker on his face. Just that moment before he noticed it, then let me do as I pleased. I lifted the sleeve from his shirt revealing a scar which ran through his forearm. It was fresh and vivid. My fingers caressed the scar, deep and jaggy he didn't let out a single wince, staring at me with cold eyes.

"What the fuck are you on about?" The words fell out of his mouth as if there wasn't anything there.

"You should reach out to the rightful authorities, they can help you out. Who is doing this to--"

"I think you got a lot of nerve saying that to me Taehyung." I sigh almost defeatedly looking into his eyes. He is young and rebellious, I tell myself but that was not helping.

"I want you to believe this is a safe space Jungkook," I said calmly but his exterior was colder than ever. "As this is your secret I'll tell you mine,"

He looked at me the corners of his mouth twitching. I leaned closer until I reach his ear. I could feel his body tense at my breath fanning his neck. I didn't what I was doing at this moment. I could lose my job. My whole career could vanish before my eyes. Before I get a chance to do anything. Yet I want to. I want him to trust me.

"I'm not a teacher, actually, I'm more than qualified to be teaching a room of 36 students, but I'm not legally allowed to be here, technically I should still be in training," I whispered softly into his ear. I pulled away shooting him a mocking wink before grabbing my briefcase to go. Letting him do whatever he wants with that information. My heart beats against my ribcage and I try to ignore the fear that was eating me up inside.

"What if I tell you I'm not the prey?" He asked making me stop. I turned around. It was my face full of confusion that had made him talk. He takes a step closer as if he were in control now. "What if I'm the predator?" he asked his smirk not smug or stupid but this time dark. Before I could do anything he pushed me to the wall. His strong arms caged me. His hand was behind my head before it could bang against the wall. My heart skipped 3 too many beats. This was my student. I shouldn't be feeling this way. I couldn't.

"Jungkook?" I whisper now feeling unsure if this were just some other average student.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked his eyes set on my lips. Panic set in me and I looked at him. Was he being serious right now? "You're quite tempting," He whispers biting his lip.

"Jeon," I call his last name breathlessly. I was staring into his dark orbs. The tension was building higher and higher, I try to leave but ended up leaning closer to him which gave him a signal.

And that's when it happened. 

That's where Jeon Jungkook smashed his soft pink lips roughly on mine. It took me a moment to collect myself. I quickly push him away. Only to see his stupid smirk.

"See you on Monday, illegal teacher," he says emphasizing 'illegal' while smirking.

What the hell did I do?

What the hell did we do?!

The Predator And His Prey (CURRENTLY BEING RE-WRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now