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Welcome to Speak Now!
This is a series of Richpez one shots with each part tethered to its corresponding track on Taylor Swift's album Speak Now.

A few ground rules: I am not ever gonna edit these so if you see a mistake leave a comment to help your fellow neighbor!

I'd rate this book PG-13 there will be risqué language and risqué actions so brace yourself. If there is something more specific I think I need to TW I will but also I'm not forcing you to read this so if you are triggered at all I'm sorry in advance but put the chapter down!!Please be safe and smart first and foremost!!

The song lyrics will be italicized. As will words I need for emphasis but you made it this far I trust your ability to decipher the difference.

I do not own Starkid, Richpez, or Taylor Swift's music but the stories themselves are mine so please don't take them or I'll be sad :(

I have no upload schedule right now. Im trying to hammer these out while I'm on break but I make no promises! Sorry in advance!!

Lastly this whole thing I'm dedicating to elliebombelli who gave me the push I needed to actually start this thing. She is a great writer and also friend and I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH HOW MUCH I RECOMMEND YOU GO READ HER BOOK RICHPEZ FOR MAE!!! It truly is so so great.

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