Airi: You really think Karuizawa likes him

Haruka: Don't think like that Airi and even if she does you still have a chance.


"Alright let's just watch the video and you can just discuss what you want later" announced Joe before Kanzaki could point something out.

"Plus, nobody's actually expecting that you'll beat Class A. Doesn't that make everything that much easier?" "Yeah, I suppose." Everything's easy when you don't have very much expected of you. "Sooo... is this everything you wanted to talk to me about? Didn't you say we had to meet up in person?" Kei pouted, the look in her eyes saying 'If there's nothing else, we could've just spoken over the phone'.

Even after what Ayanokoji did to her she doesn't seem to harbor any negative feelings against him and they talk to each other super comfortably so I want to support their relationship the best I can thought Sato.

"Some things are easier to understand when communicated in person." Kei's expression stiffened even further. This didn't seem to be the answer she was expecting. "Humph... Sounds like we're done then. Well... I'll be leaving, kay?" With everything important having been discussed, Kei excused herself. At this point, she probably didn't think anything else would happen even if she continued dropping hints.


"Yeah Kiypon what do you mean by hints?"

"You'll find out if you keep watching" Many people were whispering quietly but I decided to ignore them.

"I'll contact you again if something important comes up." "...Sure, whatever." It seemed like she had been expecting something this whole time, but now it looked like she had given up. I guess she was going to stay stubborn until the very end, wholly unwilling to broach the topic herself. It would've made it a whole lot easier for me too if she had just come out with it...

"Wait what day is this video?" it had seemed like Matsushita had caught onto something.

"March 8" replied Joe. It seems like he really did have a lot of information on us but I still did not know if it was only for specific people or for everyone in the school.

"Wait isn't that Kurizawa's birthday?"

"Yes it is"

"Hold on a moment. I still have something to say." I stood up and began to walk over to my drawer. Before she came over, I had stashed a special something away so she wouldn't notice it when she entered the room. "What is it... If you had something to say, you should've said so earlier!" "It's just, today is your birthday, isn't it?"

"You actually remembered her birthday?" asked Haruka.

"Eh? Seriously? You knew...?" I took the special something I had prepared for her out of my drawer. I had ordered it from one of the stores on campus and had them ship it wrapped up in wrapping paper for the special occasion. "I was just teasing you a bit."

"You know you sure act comfortable with each other" pointed out Haruka suspiciously.

Kuku It's really hard to believe that she would have feelings for that monster after what he did to her.

He acts differently when he's with her the with the group thought Keisi

"W-well, stop doing weird stuff like that. If you have a present, you shoulda given it to me earlier, okay? I've gotten a ton of good stuff from my friends already too, so this'd better be worth my time."

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