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Zoey:Babe im pregnant

Austin:Yesss im going to be a daddy

Zoey:Im know im going to be a mommy

Laura comes in

Laura:Your going to be a what

Zoey:Well ummm

Austin:Ms. Morano Zoey and I are having a baby

laura:(Just look at them)


Laura runs to them and hugs them

Laura:Baby don't be sorry im happy for you

Zoey:Really mom thanks i love you soo much

Laura:I love you more but we should go out to eat to celebrate


Laura, Zoey,Mason,Lyrrical,Lisa,Sam,Romeo,and Austin go out to eat and tell the the big news and everbody was happy no one was sad or mad
Back at home

Zoey:That was good but I'm still hungry

Lisa:That baby about to be fat

Zoey:Shut up

Lisa:No you

Zoey:No you butt head

Lisa:No you a** crack

Sam:Both of yall shut up and don't cuss around my son

Zoey:Yea yea

Austin and Zoey go upstairs

With Austin and Zoey

Zoey:I can't believe were going to be parents

Austin:Me too and happy

Zoey:Me too ughhh i love you Austin

Austin:I love you more

Zoey and Austin make out for a little in till Lyrrical and Mason

Lyrrical:Dang yall still gone have sex

Zoey:(giggles)Shut up but what do y'all want

Mason:Nothing but when did y'all do it cause i didn't hear no moans

Zoey:Ughh shut up but i know yall did it cause i heard moaning from your room


Zoey: Exactly but ANYWAYS im bored

Austin:If your bother and Bestfriend didn't come in we could've of been making out

Zoey:Ughh see what yall did

Mason:Lock the door next time

Zoey:Dude you about to get on my nerves

Mason:(but his hands up in surrender) My bad pregnant women


Lyrrical:How about y'all play the game of something and we have some girl time

Mason:But i want to be with you

Austin:And i want to be Zoey

Zoey:Please guys for us we haven't had girl time since....... .....I don't remember

Austin & Mason:Ughh fine

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