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Next day.....

Laura pov:Well im cooking Mason is playing on his game and Zoey is sleep it is 2:00 ehy is she still sleep she probably went to sleep late but im sooo happy because my baby get out the hospital tomorrow night.Im also happy because Ross ask me to go on a date with him ughh he need to ask me out already.I miss his lips on my lips his body on my body him... Ok im going to far but i have to leave a 4 and its 2:06 so i have a little time i put the breakfast on the table and went straight to my room and got ready.

With Zoe
Zoe wake up and gets her phone and check every social media and see if she had a text .When she was checking she got a text from Austin

A:Hey babe wyd

Z:Nothing just waking up wyd

A:Nothing just misses you

Z:Aww i miss you too

A:Babe do you want to go on a date with me

Z:Yes i would love too

A:Ok be ready by 5:00

Z:K love you

A:Love you too

End of txt

Zoey pov:

After i got done texting him i went downstairs and I just saw a stack of pancakes and man did those smell good but i wonder where mom was imma look for her when i get done eating

After Zoe got done eating she went upstairs to her ma room

*knock knock*

Laura:Come in

Zoey walk in

Zoey:Hey mom why are you getting dressed

Laura:Your dad ask me on a date

Laura gets a text from

R:Hey Laura

L:Hey Wassup o can't wait for the date

R:Umm about that laura we can't have the date riker had a date that he had to go to

L:Oh umm ok

R:Im so sorry

L:No its ok i promise

R:Ok I'll talk to you later


Laura:Looks like im bot going on a date

Zoey:What why

Zoey gets a text from Austin

A:Hey babe


A:Babe i not able to have the date


A:Babe im soo sorry

Z:Its ok I'll talk to you later


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