Hang out

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Lyrrical and Zoey convo

L:Wassup girl


L:Wyd today

Z:Nothing i got to finish my homework though

L:Me too can i come over because i want to seemy boyfriend and i nees help with the homework

Z:I don't care but Austin M. over here

L:ight I'll be over there in a minute


Zoey hung up

Zoey:Babe before she come here let's have a little make out session

Austin M.:Im cool with that

Zoey and Austin make out for 8 minutes

*knock knock*

Zoey:(pulls away)Who is it

Lyrrical:Its me

Zoey:Come in

Lyrrical:Oooo my bad did i interrupt something

Zoey:You kinda did but babe you have to go i promised her we can do our homework together

Austin:Fineeeee but tonight your mine

Zoey:(laughs) Ewwww Austin get out

Austin:You know you want this but ok im out love you

Zoey:Love you too and by the way mason in his room


Austin leaves

Lyrrical:So what was ya doing before i came

Zoey:We were kinda making out

Lyrrical:Oh so i can't make out with Mason but you can make out with Austin thats just wrong I'll be back we can do our homework later im about to make out with my bae MASON

Austin and Mason came in


Lyrrical:Come on babt we about to have a make out session

Mason:My room or basement

Lyrrical:Your room

Mason:I'll see you guys in the morning

Zoey:Lol ewww but okk

Mason and Austin leaves

Austin:Its just me and you again


Austin:How about we continue our make out session


Austin and Zoey have they make out session but Austin starts to take off Zoey shirt

Zoey:Austin what are you doing

Austin:Taking off your shirt are you ready

Zoey:Ummmm.....Yeah but use protection


Zoey and Austin have they little fun.

Mason and Lyrrical

Lyrrical:Babe are you ready

Mason:Hell yeah

Lyrrical:Ok but use protection


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