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At Dorm:

*Namjoon knocks the door, suga opens it*

Suga: Ohh he's here
*Everyone was sitting and watching
movie *
Jin: Welcome, so how was your date?
JK: Date!!..Really hyung??
RM: Ummm..you can say that (he said
by touching back of his neck).
Yoongi: So..how's Y/n?
RM: How you know I went with Y/n?
(He said by making a confused
Yoongi: Ahh...I know you very well
RM: 😅She's good
*Hobi notice the bag*: What's in that
bag, a gift??😀
Namjoon: Ahh..no no. Actually her top
got wet so I bought her a
new one and she kept the
wet one in this. But
while going she was so tired
that she forgot this in car
Jin: Ohh..come sit with us.

*Namjoon sat and kept the bag on the
table which made a hard sound.*
Jk: Umm..I don't think some cloth is in
Tae: What do you mean?
Jk: I mean cloth is a soft thing but it
made a sound like it has something
hard in it.
Jk added: Let me see...
Yoongi: Noo.. it's not yours
Jk: Hyung please..(he saw in the bag
and found a small box)
Yoongi: Jk!!you..
*Before Yoongi could say Jk
Jk: Hey..I found something..*shows the
Tae: I think it's a ring...hyung is it
Namjoon: No..no, when did she
bought this?
*Jk opens it*
Jk: Wohh.....so cutee😍
Tae: It's a necklace which had
Namjoon hyung's sign in it........
Hyung..😆(he said in a teasing
Hobi: Show me...
Yoongi: First let Namjoon see..he so
*Namjoon took it and smiles shyly*
Hobi: You really not knowing about
Namjoon: No..😶
Hobi: Why did she bought this??
Jin: She's an Army, may be her bias is
Tae: That's good
Yoongi: Joonie..are you having some
feelings for her?
*Everyones eyes were fixed at Namjoon*
*Namjoon was still surprised from the necklace*
Namjoon: I..I just like her.
Jimin: And...
Namjoon: I like spending time with her
Jin: Hmm....(in a teasing tone)

Next morning:
*Everyone was having breakfast together*
JK to Namjoon: So, hyung will you be
at home today? I
Namjoon: Till now I'm not having any
Jimin: Today you should bring her at
Tae to Jimin: Why are you so
interested in her?
Jimin: You are taking it in wrong
sense. I was saying, that day
we were not able to know her
Jin: Yess..he's right, you should invite
Namjoon: Okay..I'll talk to her.

*After Breakfast Namjoon calls Y/n*

On Phone:

Namjoon: Hii...
Y/n: Annyeong!!
Namjoon: Mwohaneungeoya
Y/n: Srry I didn't get it, I'm still a
Namjoon: Hahaha...I know...So,what
you doing?
Y/n: Nothing special, what about you?
Namjoon: Same..and yaa I was telling
are you free in afternoon?
Y/n: Umm..yess
Namjoon: Great!!..then you will be
coming at out dorm today,
for lunch.
Y/n: Wait..wait..wait...why will I be
there? (she asked curiously)
Namjoon: Because everyone was
telling they want to meet you.
Will you disobey them?
Y/n: Never..but are you calling me just
because of them, you don't wanna
meet me?
Y/n: Huh??..
Namjoon: I'll pick you at 12...bye,take

Namjoon in mind: How she knows that I was in need of an excuse to see her....*smiles*

A/n: Happiest Birthday Taehyung🍰


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