chapter 4

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your pov

when you and ron walk into the burrow, you realize you completely lost track of time. you had no idea how long you were gone for.

"oh there you two are i was worried sick!" says mrs weasley.

"sorry mom we lost track of time. what time is it anyway?" said ron. "well, it's almost 5 o'clock." you look over to ron with a surprised expression. were we really gone for 4 hours?

"where were you anyway?" says molly. "oh yeah i took y/n to the ice skating pond you and dad always take us to!" said ron. "oh did you! that's so sweet." she said looking over to me. you knew she could tell you had a crush on ron. mom senses.

"now you two go and maybe do some homework or something before dinner ok?"

"ok mom" said ron.

ron looked over at you and motioned for you to follow ran up the stairs behind him.

"do you want to work with me in my room?" he asked. "duh." you responded. "let me get my work from ginny's room.

once you got back, you and ron sat down together on his bed. you noticed harry wasn't in the room. he was probably with fred and george.

you shivered slightly and you were close enough to ron that he noticed. he took one of his blankets and wrapped it around both yours and his shoulders, keeping you close to his warm body.

"hey y/n you know what." said ron. "hm?" you said looking up into his eyes. "i don't actually feel like doing any school work. do you want me to read this book?" ron reached over and grabbed your favorite book. "i was thinking the same thing." you said with a smile.

ron grabbed your waist lightly and leaned you back with him onto the pillows.

while keeping his hand still on your waist he started to read. his voice gave you butterflies, it was so soothing.

after a couple pages, you moved your head and rested it on ron's shoulder. his jacket was so soft.

when he felt your touch, he stopped reading for a split second but continued before it was too noticeable.

his body relaxed into yours, so that you were so close to one another there was no space between the two of you.

with his hand slowly moving up and down your waist while still holding you close, you put your arm around his chest. you melted into him. your eyes grew very heavy and you felt yourself fall into a deep sleep.

as you drifted off, you heard the reading stop and then you heard him say something else but you fell asleep before you could understand the words.

ron's pov

after i put the blanket around our shoulders i didn't feel like doing work anymore.

i reached over and pulled out a book from my shelf. i knew it was y/n's favorite.

she was very happy with the idea.

i decided to be bold and carefully grab her waist. i pulled her back with me so that we were laying on the pillows. i pulled her as close as i could to me.

her body felt so warm against mine and i felt like i had never been more happy in my whole life.

as i started to read, i felt movement from her. she rested her head on my shoulder. holy shit holy shit.

i think i stopped reading for a second and i hope she didn't notice.

after a couple chapters. i felt her nestle into me even more and she put her arm around my chest. i was praying she couldn't notice me blushing intensely.

before i knew it she was asleep on me, cuddled so close to me that i could feel her heart beat.

i waited until i knew she was asleep and said "sleep well beautiful."

oh god i hope she didn't hear that.

i ran my fingers through her silky hair. i was falling more and more with every look.

soon, i felt myself getting sleepy and so i fell into a deep sleep, y/n on my chest.

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