chapter 3

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your pov

in the morning, you realized you had slept unnaturally late. you were woken up by the sound of clanging pots in the kitchen.

you looked over at the clock. ITS ALREADY 12?!

you hurried to brush your teeth and comb your hair. you decide you are staying in your pjs today.

you run down the stairs to see many eyes staring at you but the ones you see first are ron's. you think he is almost drooling.

"well there you are finally." said harry.

"i'm so sorry i couldn't help but sleep in. but i'm here now! what's for breakfast?"

"oh y/n, girl it's lunch time." said hermione. "mrs. weasley made alfredo pasta though."

"i helped!" said ron. he seemed so proud of his work that you just had to smile at him. "good job ron" you replied.

you see ron's cheeks grow rosy.

ron's pov

i was up early, hoping to see y/n.

after how little confidence i had last night, i almost wanted to give up. so i wanted to see her to remind myself how much i liked her.

damn it is getting late, i thought.

after a while, everyone was down except her.


lunch time rolled around and finally i saw her walk down the stairs, rubbing her tired eyes.

i noticed she was still wearing her pj pants, blue snowflakes. damn that's adorable. she was also wearing a white tank top that hugged her body just right. i couldn't stop staring.

alright yup i still like her, a lot.

after i had definitely stared for noticeably way too long, y/n asked what's for breakfast. ah that silly little girl, doesn't even know what time it is. hermione says that mom made alfredo for lunch and y/n just had to know i helped.

she used to love it when i cooked.

in response i got a smile :)

your pov

apparently all that sleep just still wasn't enough for you because at the table you started to yawn uncontrollably.

the pasta was super delicious and you felt very happy to be surrounded by everyone.

you realized christmas was coming very soon. a little excited nerve sprung up in you.

your mind started counting down the days. 5 days.

after the food was eaten everyone made their ways back to whatever they were doing before.

"y/n." you heard a voice say. you already knew whose it was.

you turn around with a smile. "yes?" and just like you thought there was ron in front of you.

"follow me. i'm taking you on a walk."

"alright alright" you said with a smile.

his face softened and he grabbed your hand. "yess i know exactly where i'm taking you."

on your way out you snatched your coat before you were pulled out the door. you slipped your coat on, running a little with him.

he started to giggle a little and said "cmon slow poke!"

"ok ok" you zipped your coat and ran after him.

once you caught up he stopped running and you started walking.

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