"Is she as bad as they say?" Greef asks leaning over.

"Bad?" Mando asks looking down at her as she sleeps, soft snores leaving her mouth and her hair blowing out of her face with every breath.

Greef raises a brow, "You have no idea who she is, do you?"

"Kit Solo, General of the Rebellion."

Greef lets out a laugh, "That's one of her identities, not the one the Client is interested in."

Mando looks down at her as she shifts in her sleep, moving closer to him subconsciously.

"I guess the little bugger's a carnivore. Never seen anything like it. They were ready to pay a king's ransom for that thing. Must be for some kind of highfalutin menagerie." Greef says after a while of silence taking Mando's attention form the girl beside him.

"Let's go over the plan again." He says, resting one of his hands on his blaster and the other on Kit's shoulder.

Greef sighs, looking between him and the girl, "We both enter the common house. We show the client the bait. We join him at the table, and you kill him."

"Tell me about his reinforcements."

"They're all ex-Empire. As soon as they lose their pay check, psh... they'll all scatter."

"And what if they don't?" He asks.

Greef nods his head, "They will."

Mando shakes his head, "That's not good enough."

"If, for argument's sake, a few of them don't realise that I'm their best path to alternative employment, and they elect to react impulsively, then these three fine Guild hunters along with that battle hardened shock-trooper will cut down anyone who bucks."

"How many will there be?"

Greef grunts as he stands stretching out slightly receiving a few pops as his bones crack, "No more than four. He travels with, at most, a fire team. Trust me, nothing could go wrong."

Suddenly a large winged beast swoops down hitting Greef as it does, the commotion makes Kit jump awake, blaster in hand. Cara and Mando shoot at it blindly as Kit jumps onto a large rock.

It swoops down grabbing hold of a Blurrg, "No! Let go of her! Drop her now!"

It's quiet for a moment before the creature returns and grabs one of the Hunters, "Drop her!" Kuiil yells as another goes after his creatures.

Cara and Mando fire at it and the dragon drops landing on top of the Blurgg and killing it.

One flies low and tackles Mando, Kit shoots at it from above. Mando rolls over shooting fire at it as it flies away.

Everyone shouts as blaster shots are fired blindly into the mist, "Everyone shut up!" Kit yells from the rock she stands on.

Everyone goes silent looking over at her, she drops her blaster to her side, eyes closed as she breaths in and out deeply, "Ki-"

Kuiil and Cara both hold a hand up to stop Mando as he attempts to go towards her.

The dragon swoops in towards her but she drops down raising her blaster with her eyes still closed and firing a single shot which causes the creature to fall to the floor beside her.

They all stare at her as she turns, blowing the hair from her face with a sigh. Greef grunts as he holds his injured arm.

Mando and Kuiil go to the Child and sigh in relief when he coos up at them.

They both walk over to Greef and the others as he groans, "He's hurt badly." Kuiil says.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. Ow!"

"Hold still. They got you good." Cara says as she examines it.

"How bad?"

She sighs, "Bad. The poison is spreading fast."

Greef chuckles bitterly, "So this...this is how it happens."

Rolling her eyes Kit hands Cara a med pack that she took from one of Kuiil's bags, "Don't be so dramatic."

"I need another med pack. Got any other med packs? Anyone?" Cara yells.

"I'm guessing that's a 'no'." Greef nods.

Cara scans his arm, "It's still spreading. This isn't working."

Kit gets pushed aside by the Child as he walks over, "Get this thing outta here." Cara yells.

Kit tilts her head as the Child places his hand on Greef's wound, "Wait." She says holding a hand out to stop Mando from taking him away.

The Child closes his eyes his hand resting on Greef's wound, "He's trying to eat me!"

Kit rests her hand on the kid's back holding him upright and closing her eyes with him, Greef's face physically relaxes and the Child falls back in exhaustion as everyone looks to see Greef's wound completely gone.

Scooping him up in her arms, Kit gets to her feet and walks to the crib, Mando following after, his mind going a million miles an hour as he tries to comprehend what just happened.



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