Chapter 1

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*Present Day*

Ricky POV

Its been eight years since i lost my father, everyday is harder and harder, but i will not rest until i put the man who did this behind bars.

It was now Morning and i decided to get my morning coffee at Kourtney's Koffee and Kupcakes, before i start my first day at salt lake PD. i walk in and kourtney immediately notices me.

Hey Ricky! she said enthusiasticly.  She's sets down my usual which is black coffee and a strawberry cupcake on the table I sit down.

Hey Kourt. I said thank you! Your a lifesaver! I put down the case file and immediately start looking over the clues:

1. The killer has 6 fingers
2. The killer has a AB+ blood type
3. The killer has a weird birthmark the shape of a horse

I sigh as those are the only clues I have.

You'll catch him! Kourt tells me.

I look at my watch and realize I have 15 minutes before I'm late!

Bye Kourt! I'll see you tomorrow! I rush to my car.

I enter the police department and entered the captains office.

Hello Detective Bowen! Welcome to the Salt Lake Police Department! He said.

Hello Captain Mazzara Its good to be here i said.

Your Office is down the hall, your partners office is right across from yours, and if have questions ask me or her. Your dismissed he said.

Thank you sir. I said as I was walking out.

I get to my office and start getting to work.

After about 30 minutes I heard knock on my door.

Come in! I said.

A brunette girl with the prettiest brown eyes I've ever seen. Walks in.

Hi I'm Nini Salazar-Roberts and I'm your new partner!

Hi-i i-im Bicky Rowen! I mean Ricky Bowen! I say while shaking her hand.
*God this is going to be a long day!*

*Hey Guys! I'm sorry I took so long to update! I was originally going to update as planned but then all the drama happened on Josh's Birthday and I wanted to wait until it blew over, but then school started and I've just been busy! But that isn't an excuse and I will try to be better and I will start updating every Saturday or Sunday or possibly both. 

Thank you for the support! See you guys soon!<3

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