Bump in the Night

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Pairing: Jacob Black x Fem!Reader

Written: December 20th, 2020

Posted: December 21st, 2020

Word Count: 819

Warning: None

Summary: Moving back to forks, the reader uncovers secrets about the town and the people living in it that she never knew.

Summary: Moving back to forks, the reader uncovers secrets about the town and the people living in it that she never knew

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Walking on the shore of La Push, you spotted your small group of friends. Smiling, you hurriedly made your way towards them.

"Y/N!" Seth greeted full of excitement. Pulling you in for a bone-crushing hug, he lifted you off of the group before twirling around.

The air became filled with the sound o your squeals.

"Put the poor girl down," Leah spoke rolling her eyes at her brother.

Placing you back on your feet, giggles fell from your lips. Turning your attention back towards the group, you greeted each of your friends, before standing beside Jacob, as he placed an arm over your shoulders.

"What'd I miss?" You questioned gazing at Sam, who held an unhappy expression."

Shaking his head, Sam hadn't bothered to fill you in on what they were previously chatting about.

"Let's go." Sam spat, jerking his head in the direction of the forest behind him.


Before you could argue, Jacob sighed before he retreated without another word along with the rest of your friends.

Frowning, tears threatened to fall down your cheeks. Your mind became clouded with the thought of having done something wrong.

Shaking your head, you made your way back to the beat-up truck your dad had given you when you moved to Forks.


"I...I think he's hiding something from me." You frowned as you gazed out of the cafe window.

Angela sat across from you offering you a look of sympathy. "There's just something's that are better to be left alone."

You scoffed, crossing your arms on the table as you gazed around the small cafe. Your gaze fell upon a familiar pair of eyes. Locking eyes, you raised an eyebrow.

"I'll be right back." You spoke standing up promptly, not waiting for her to respond.

Making your way towards the table, the feeling of uneasiness washed over you.

"Fancy seeing you here. Mind if I sit?" You questioned motioning towards the unoccupied seat in front of him.

"Please," Edwards responded, nodding slightly.

An awkward silence fell between you.

"How's Jacob?" He questioned in an annoyed voice.

Frowning, you dropped your gaze to the table in front of you. "He's good...I think. I...I haven't seen much of him lately."

"That's a shame." He spat taking a drink from his cup.

You rolled your eyes in response. Sighing, you shook your head. "I should go."

"Wait," Edward spoke grasping your wrist preventing you from leaving. "Why don't we do something."

You scoffed. "I should get back to Angela."

"She seems to be preoccupied at the moment." He smirked jutting his chin out towards her.

Turning around, you gazed at Angela only to see Mike sitting in your previous seat.

"Oh." You muttered.

"Why don't we have dinner?" He questioned moving to stand next to you.


Not allowing you to respond, he tugged you behind him not letting go of your wrist as he lead you to his car.

"This is kidnapping you know." You spoke raising an eyebrow at him as he held the car door open for you.

"I don't see you putting up much of a fight." He countered.

"Shut up." You spoke getting into the car.

Edward chuckled as he shut your door, knowing he won the argument.

As you were driving down the road, you and Edward shared laughs as well as terrible singing.

Slamming on the breaks, your seat belt-tightening as you leaned forward from the sudden movement. Gazing through the windshield, you were surprised to see Jacob standing in the middle of the road.

Unbuckling your seatbelt, you practically jumped out of the car. "Jake?"

"What are you doing with him?" Jacob's voice dripping with venom as he moved in front of you.

"We're just hanging out..." You spoke gazing at him with confusion, "Wait, why do you care? You've been MIA!"

"You wouldn't understand." Jacob brushed off your statement.

"Try me." You spoke crossing your arms over your chest as you raised an eyebrow at him.

"Y/N." Edward's voice spoke from beside you.

"How well do you even know him?" Jacob spat as he jutted his chin towards Edward.

"Why does that matter?"

"Because he's a Vampire!"

Gazing at him, your eyes were widened eyes.

"What?" Your voice was barely above a whisper. Turning towards the man standing beside you.

Edward's jaw clench and hesitation were enough of an answer for you.

"V-Vampires aren't....real."

"Jacob's a shape shifter. That's why he's been avoiding you, turns out you don't know him as well as you think you do."

Your eyes snapped up to the man standing in front of you. "Jake?" You questioned feeling your body tremble as you gazed at him in disbelief. The pained look on his face broke your heart.

"Y/N...Let me explain." He pleaded.

"Take me home." You spoke.

Getting into Edward's car, you stared intently at the dashboard as you attempted to hold it together.

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