I kissed him... he had his eyes closed and I kept looking around the room in hope to see James. Then my prayers were answered, he appeared in the corner of the room with the same mask on. I motioned him to hurry up before the man could do anything else to me. James grabbed a small glass vase that comes with the room and he stormed over and hit him around the head with it. He fell to the floor and I got off the desk and moved away from the man, sorting myself out by pulling down my dress and sorting out my underwear. The man was dazed on the ground and James stood over him. I then stormed over and pushed James.
"Where the FUCK were you!" I shouted as I pushed him again.
"I was just collecting some items then the hotel needed my aid. I guarantee it wasn't on purpose" James told me as he grabbed my wrists.
"Seriously?! Did you just SEE what he was doing to me?!" I shouted back as I pulled myself out his grip and stepped away from him.
"I did dear, now we can have some justice and kill him for his blood" he assured me. I shook my head at him as I went to pick up the unconscious man. James hurried over and picked up his legs as I picked up his top half. We both carried him to the bath tub and I put in the plug so the blood couldn't leak out the bathtub.
"What're we going to do with his spirit?" I asked James, still angry. I crossed my arms as I viewed him in the tub.
"We'll throw him out the window so he dies in the streets and not in the hotel" James said to me. I nodded my head as I searched the bathroom cabinets.
"We'll drain his blood from his wrists. Then I'm going to change and I'm off to see Will and how the plannings coming along" I informed James. He took off his mask and he stared at me, looking a little angry.
I looked at him in confusion.
"Yeah, Will. Will Drake. You know, the guy who's in the lobby sorting everything out" I reminded James. He still didn't look pleased. (TW) I sourced out a blade and I picked up the mans wrists and I slit them vertically. I did it with the other wrist and I threw the blade away. I sat down on the toilet seat and I waited for when we can throw him out.
"Maybe we should both go talk to Will" James said to me. I looked up and him and scoffed.
"So now you don't trust me?" I asked him. He opened the window and looked back at me.
"You seem to be comfortable with him"

"Yeah, I am. He's a good friend"

"No, Grace. You admire him... admit it"

"Oh wowwww! Yeah... yeah totally... mhmmmm! Sorry I can't have guy friends!"

"I know when you're friendly and when you're friendly"

"Ha! Okay, let's talk about you and the countess then! Sucking each other's faces in the corridors. Oh please"

"That was before there was anything going on between me and you!"

"I haven't ever kissed Will!"

"There's a first time for everything, darling"

"Oh fuck you James!"

"Such foul language on a lady"

"This is the 21st century, not the 19th"

"What is wrong with you?!"

"What's wrong with ME!! I was stuck in here with an asshole who wanted to get in my pants. I didn't kill him there as much as I wanted to because I know you wanted to do that! I wanted to do it together, James!"

"I've already sincerely apologised"

"Where were you... REALLY!"

Till James Patrick March do us apartNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ