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a/n: im making this exist as if there was no covid-19 so the covid-19 skit in timothee's snl debut.

***TRIGGER WARNING!!! MENTION OF NON CONSENSUAL ADVANCES!!! not r*pe but just non consensual advances for a second***

sexual assault hotline as well for those who may need it. 1-800-656-4673

if you are in need to use that hotline, for any reason, just know that you are an amazing human, you deserve better, you are loved, and i am very proud of you. keep going <3


i sat in the plush seat in the stands above the saturday night live stage, waiting for timmy to come on. the audience was chattering anf i had finished pressing post on my most recent insta post. i know people were about to go insane. suddenly, the speakers spewed out the loud voice announcing timmy's name. watching him bounce on stage and wearing the largest smile ever was the most heart-warming thing i had seen. he was so giddy that he could barely make it through his monologue. he kept looking up at me. his amazing green eyes kept looking at me. the fanpages were definitely going to notice. but in that moment i realized, i love him. i really fucking love him. i am in love with timothee chalamet.

timothee's pov

the bright lights of the stage began to fade as i rushed backstage to get myself changed. the entire time the makeup and hair team was doing everything for me i kept thinking about hugo. he looked so happy in his seat. he was leaned forward, smiling, and continuing to make eye contact every time i would look up.


the episode finished and everyone cheered for me as i ran off stage. pete stopped me and said someone was here to me. he claimed that heidi wouldn't tell him who or where they are but to go find her. ms. heidi gardner. she had been so supportive and helpful the entire time i was on the show. she was like my second mother and i loved it. i know heidi can't see into my thoughts, but just in case she can, heidi, you're amazing and i love you. in a friendly mother figure type way. i ran around the dressing rooms looking for her because i knew exactly who was waiting for me. i saw her blonde hair bobbing slightly. i tapped her shoulder and she turned to me and immediately exclaimed. "oh! timothee! there's someone waiting for you. she's out the back door." i thanked her and began walking towards the back door. wait, she? i burst out the back door to see a girl sitting on the hood of her car. maja.

maja saoirse. she was my best friend for the longest time when i was just starting acting. she always gave me weird vibes but i put them off because she was insanely loyal. it wasn't healthy for me, she probably was waiting for me to get big or something. it all changed the night i was stuck at giovanni romano's house. he was a cute guy i had met during the filming of call me by your name. he was sweet but as soon as i was stuck with him, he went way too fast. i was in italy and maja had come with me. she had disappeared with some random french girl and i hadn't seen her since the afternoon. the minute he had my shirt off and he was going to keep going, even though i told him i wasn't too sure, i excused myself to the bathroom. i was trying to stay strong and called maja. she answered and told me she was busy. when i explained where i was in my situation, she told me to man up, leave, and figure it out from there before hanging up. i was so scared. i had no idea what to do. i called luca immediately after and he drove me back to where i was staying. i cried to him that night, and that was probably what made me and armie the closest person to me at that point. i went off on maja the day after that, left her in italy, and never spoke to her again.

what the hell was she doing here?

"missed me chalamet?" she hopped off the roof of her car and walked up to me. she stood slightly taller than me, like she always had. a very small amount but still an amount. "what the hell do you want maja?" she snickered and pulled a cigarette out her pocket. "i couldn't pass up the chance to see you." she clicked her lighter for the flame to ignite. it was one of the old timey ones. the metal where the top part flips open. she lit it and tapped my nose. "i would never forget you." i also forgot to mention she sorta convinced me to lose my virginity to her when i was like 18. so yeah, she was and is, a pretty shitty person. i was just too blind to see it. the smoke that was released from her mouth stung my eyes. i pushed her lightly out of my way. i was never good at understanding or acknowledging that relationships of any kind could be toxic. if maja did bad things, i used to think she could redeem herself with doing just one good thing. i still think that way, even though i know it's wrong. i stormed past her and she grabbed the hood of my jacket and pulled me back to her face. the small blemishes on her face sung out and her brown eyes shined. even if she was a terrible person, she was still good looking. more of the smoke blew in my face and made me cough.

"hey! timmy, i've been looking for you!"

hugo's sweet voice made me feel ten times better and stopped the coughs ringing out from my lungs. he walked up looking confused, angry, and concerned. "who's this?" maja sneered at him before shoving me onto the ground. "hey! what the hell do you think you're doing?" he got up in her face while i stood and brushed myself off. "i don't think we've met. i'm maja." i heard hugo's teeth gritting. "and i couldn't give more than two shits." he spat. she snickered. i tugged on hugo's jacked sleeve. "hugo, let's just go. she's being stupid and petty. there's no point in arguing with her." hugo's face eased up and he smiled. the smile disappeared when he turned back to maja. "watch it. i will defend timothee as long as i need to. stay away from him." we began walking away when i heard her yell from behind us. "watch your boyfriend timmy. he could end up like the last one!" that was fucking it. i turned on my heel and now i was in her face. "shut the hell up maja! you left me, alone! with no one and feeling like i was going to get hurt. you couldn't give two shits about me! so back the fuck up and leave me alone. say anything or do anything to me or anyone i love again, and i won't hesitate to beat your ass. is that clear?" she was shocked. i've never stood up to her before like that. i walked away without her even answering.


hugo's pov

when we got back to my apartment, timmy was mad. he threw the pillows off my couch and just started being destructive. he was yelling and muttering to himself and after only a few minutes he started crying. "GOD I'M SUCH A WHINY BITCH! I CAN'T DO ANYTHING FOR MY FUCKING SELF!" he got into my face and pushed me against the wall. "ARE YOU GOING TO DO IT? WILL YOU? CAUSE IF SO, DO IT NOW AND GET IT FUCKING OVER WITH HUGO!" i started having tears threatening to spill. "what are you talking about timmy?" i said softly. "don't bullshit me hugo! just do what you want with me! touch me, pull my hair, hurt me! just do it now and let me leave!" what. tears dripped down my cheeks. "timothee," he sunk his head into my chest and wailed. "i'm sorry. hugo, i'm sorry." we sunk to the floor until we were both on our knees and i cried into his hair while timmy continued the sob into my shirt. when i came more to my senses, i spoke first. "i am so sorry that people have hurt you, but know- hey, look at me." i lifted his chin up. his eyes were red and puffy and his eyelashes were traced with tears. "i will never do anything without your consent, do anything to hurt you, but i will always defend you, care for you, and love you timothee." his eyes widened and a small smile crept up on his face. "you love me?" i smiled and chuckled. "i do. timothee chalamet, i fucking love you." he laughed out loud. "hugo hoffman, i love you so fucking much." i looked to his lips and went for it. his lips were traced with a slight sweetness and his lips were chapped from talking so much tonight. it was soft, innocent, and amazing. we separated with a slight click and he looked to me before kissing me again.

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