Chapter 14

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At the destination...

We unload our things in the compartment. I tried to help them but Gulf's dad immediately grabs Gulf luggage just in time that I was about to get it. I just rub my nape due to embarrassment. Gulf tapped my shoulders and chuckles. Shia! What do he mean by that? He seems happy that his dad is giving me a hard time. While walking I look like a bodyguard behind them. Good thing after awhile Gulf realized it and he held my hand. I was like a teenage girl that blush on that moment but how can I not were walking hand in hand. Gulf's dad throw him a death glare. I was about to release my hand but Gulf hold it tighter. My heart is about to explode. I am so happy. I was like living in my dreams.

"Were gonna talk to the receptionist now por." Gulf said.

"Hand in hand?! " Gulf's dad frown at me. Gulf just chuckles. I can't help but to gulped my own saliva. I had a feeling that Gulf's dad might kill me at this very moment. But I do nothing it's Gulf who initiates this act first.

"Were going now. Mae! you and dad must look around first. Here's the room key." Gulf winked at me. And I was like wtf! I'm gonna die indeed. But not because of Gulf's dad wrath on me instead on Gulf's actions that drives me crazy. I'm starting to conclude things. Shia! No Mew don't assume yet.

" Come on Mew. " I just eyed him. What is he planning to do?

"I'll come with you..." Mae covered his husband mouth and drag him away. He is still being stubborn and trying  to escape but mae wins. Me and Gulf just turn our gaze to each other and laugh hard.

At the moment we are in the seashore.  I can't help but get worry with mae and por. Does they reach the room already? I hope they didn't get lost.

"Mew are you okay?" Gulf asked me maybe he realized that I'm being silent.

"Ah I'm okay. Just a bit worried." Gulf scrunched a face.

"Worried? Do you mean mae and por? They will be alright Mew. I thought you invited me here cause you want to unwind. But look at you stressing yourself." he shook his head while chuckling. His side profile with his smile is much more beautiful.

"Mew" he tap my shoulders lightly. Damn! I'm just staring at him for the last 2 minutes. I'm being so obvious.

"Oh haha yeah sorry." I rub my nape. Why am I feeling awkward? I bit my bottom lip first before pouting it pointing on our hands that is still locked together. He immediately release my hand looking a bit shy. I just smiled at him. What a cute kitten?

"Sorry." he mumbled, still shy.

"It's okay I feel comfortable anyway. But there are a lot more people here. I'm afraid they misinterpret us being boyfriends." I honestly told him. He just hummed in response.

"Why are you planning to hit on girls here?" Gulf joked.

"Oh no way. I don't do girlfriends." I got shocked with my statement. Damn! I hope he won't question me with my sexuality. I don't have the courage to confess to him yet.

"You don't do girlfriends? Then I'll help you find a boyfriend here." he joked again. I released my breathe.

"Let's have some fun on bar later." Gulf invited me.

"Ahmm... I don't usually go on bars. What do people do in bars?" Gulf just chuckled at me. So I continue.

"But okay if you want I'll just accompany you." he just keep on laughing. I'm starting to get pissed so I pinch his cheek and that's when he finally face me.

"Ouch! Why are you hurting me?"

"Because you keep on laughing at me?"

"So, do you really want to know. What do people do in bars?" Gulf asked me. I am really curious so I nodded.

"Banging" after saying that he walks away. What do he mean by that? I didn't get it. I just shrugged it off and followed him.

Advance Merry Christmas. Sorry for slow updates. I'm being caught up with too much school works. I hope you understand. Love lots readers! Let's make our Christmas happy even if we need to follow a lot of rules🙄🤭😆


"My Attitude P.A" (Completed) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora