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*now the morning* y/n POV
I open my eyes, my head hurts like hell, but wait I'm not in my flat, where am I. I look over to see I'm snuggling with Alex, his arm around my waist while Lay in his arm, resting my head and arm on him. What happened, I'm so confused why am I in his flat and in his bed? I never want this moment to end though, so I just shut my eyes and drift back to sleep.

*Tiny time skip* Now Alex's POV
I wake up still with y/n sound asleep in my arms, I slowly slink away and walk to the kitchen.

*small time skip* y/n POV
I wake up later completely by my self, I get up and out of bed to hear the sounds of cooking and the sweet smell rushing through the air. I pull out a stool chair and sit down.
Alex- "hey sleepy head, good morning"

Y/n - "morning, by the way uhh how did I end up here"
Alex- "I let you spend the night since I didn't want to send you home alone, and when I asked if you if you wanted to stay you said yeah"
Y/n- "yeah that make sense, thanks"
Alex - "my pleasure"
We smile at each other for a moment and Alex gives me a plate of food and sits down next to me,
Alex-" now I'm good at cooking at all so don't have high expectations"
Y/n- "that's promising" we laugh together and have a Pretty awesome breakfast.

*small time skip to after breakfast and your done helping clean up* Alex's POV

I look over to y/n, she was washing dishes since she insisted on cleaning up and when I tried to tell she was the guest and didn't have to she just told me to consider it a small thank you for everything I've done for her. Just then my annoying room mate came busting through the front door.
George- " Heyyyy I'm home did you... miss.. me"
He was now looking at y/n, "why is she here, I thought she went home last night"
Alex- "yeah she stayed the night, I didn't want to drop her home drunk" George didn't say anything he just walked into his room slamming the door. I wonder what he was upset about this time.
Y/n- I feel like I'm intruding I should go home now" shit how do I respond to this I don't want to say yeah go home because that's rude but I don't want to seem clingy by saying she can stay.
Alex-" don't worry your not intruding anything, you welcome here anytime, but if you want to go home I can call you an Uber"
Y/n- " aww thanks I'm honored to be welcome here, but you don't have to call me an Uber I can call my own, wait actually I don't live far from here I'll just walk"
Alex- "ok, I'll walk you out"
Y/n-"ok let me go get my things"
Why do I feel bad about letting her go home, like shes meant to stay here.
y/n- "I'm ready" she stood there smiling looking at me, I smirk back and walk over to the door and shut it behind us and we walk down stairs. She was so happy and bright like a shining star, and when she walked it was like she was in clouds and sunshine. I open the door to the outside for her, we now stand outside.
Alex- "hey be safe walking home, you know how these streets can be"
Y/n - " yeah I will" laugher escapes her smile and fills the air. "Thank you again for everything, I really owe you one"
Alex- "please don't worry about it" she smiles and looks down at her hoodie, or should I say my hoodie
Y/n- "oh my god I forgot to give this back to you, here" she starts to lift the hoodie up
Alex- " you can keep it if you want, I have a ton. And you still have to walk home I wouldn't want you to be cold."
Y/n- "aww thanks. I love it, I should get going bye Alex"
Alex- "bye y/n" with that she starts to walk away and I turn around to go back to my flat. Why didn't I offer to walk home with her, maybe next time it would be to creepy and awkward to go stop her now"

*right after* now y/n POV

I look at my phone while walking back home, it was 9am it was so early how. I also saw 6 unread messages from my best friend. I figured I would look at them when I got home, I put my phone back in my  bag. The streets where so nice at this time, cool, calm, dewy. I just wanted nothing more than to just relax and think about nothing really important and just let my mind think about what ever, but I found my self always thinking of Alex. I mean how could I not be. I looked down to my new favorite thing ever aka my hoodie, I can't believe he gave me his hoodie to keep. I turn the block, returning to my own flat. I walk in the door and decided it was a good idea to go in the shower and remove what ever was left of my make up, if there even was any. I go to my closet and pick out a new clean outfit, I choose a basic gray tee and blank shorts.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2020 ⏰

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