The pub

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Will- "Should we get shots"
Alex-"sounds good to me"
Y/n- "yeah I'm fine with that"
James- "yeah sure"
Will- " HELLO, George!"
-George looks up from his phone
Will-" do you want shots"
George- "yeah"
Will went up to the bar and got us the shots and we all down them.
*the boys banter back and forth while I sit there silence being to shy to talk*
Alex- hey, y/n how's it going I feel like your not talking much, everything ok"
Y/n- " yeah I'm fine, I just don't know what to say"
Alex- "don't be shy, is there anything I can do.
Y/n- " no your fine, trust me it's fine, I'm just shy I guess."
Alex- "well you were talking to them in the car"
Y/n- "that's true, don't worry about me, I want you to have fun with your friends"
Alex- "ok.. but if you need anything don't be shy to talk to me"
Y/n- " I'm not, but do you have an (enter social here)
Alex- " uhh yeah here let me just get it up for you"
I hand over my phone to Alex and he follows him self on my phone.
Y/n- " thanks, woah you have quite the big following"
Alex- "yeah I'm a YouTuber it's kind of embarrassing to tell people."
Y/n- "omg that's so cool I've wanted to be one self but I'm to nervous to post the videos"
Alex- "thanks. Maybe one day You can be in a video" we both laugh
Will- "Who's ready for more shots!!"
Y/n-" how many rounds is this now"
Will-" I think this will be the fourth"
Everyone shakes their heads and Will gets up.
Y/n- " here I'll come with you"
Will- "alright then"

*time passes* after much laughter and you being less shy.

Alex's POV-
I can't believe I'm the one here not crazy drunk. I pay for the drinks since everyone was too drunk to realize we had to pay and called the Ubers. And got everyone to get outside and wait for them to arrive.
George- "Alex, me and Will are going in James Uber and we are going to crash at his flat"
Alex- " alright mate"
After standing out side I look over to y/n. Even drunk she seemed to be so beautiful, she was standing by her self shivering I'm guessing she forgot to bring a hoodie with her.
Alex- "hey are you cold" she doesn't say anything but just nods yes, poor thing could barely open her eyes she looked like she was so tired.
"here have my hoodie" I took my hoodie off and gave it to her.
Y/n- "thank you Alex." She murmured and slipped into the hoodie with the cutest smile on her face.
Alex- " no problem" we didn't say much just waited for the Uber.

*small time pass* still Alex's POV

The Ubers pull up and we all say bye. I felt horrible sending y/n home by herself drunk.
Alex-"hey do you want to crash at my flat tonight, I don't want to send you home alone drunk"
Y/n- "yeah" she murmured so quietly, I could tell she was about to fall asleep, and I was right she was quickly asleep Siting next to me. I turned my head to look out the window a sat again the door of the car. I feel y/n lay her on me and with out thinking I put an arm around her.

*small time pass* still Alex's POV

I walk up the apartment steps with y/n, I helped hold herself up as she stumbled around giggling. When we walked in to my flat I brought her to my room, I wasn't going to make her sleep on the couch,
Alex- "here you can sleep in my bed and I'll sleep on the couch"  she didn't say anything but just went into my bed and curled under the covers, I turned to leave, but was stopped, y/n was grabbing my arm.
Y/n- " no please don't go." She was basically sleeping at this point and was drunk so I knew she didn't actually want me to stay.
Y/n- "please Alex" she patted the empty space on the bed. I gave in and laid next to her, But I faced away from her, I didn't want to make things weird. I closed my eyes and started to drift to sleep when I felt an arm wrap around me and a face snuggle in to my back, I linked my hand with hers.

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