Chapter 15 Company Nine in the Making

Start from the beginning

I let out as sigh as I fidgeted with my red cup. "Uh... excuse me Lieutenant Shinmon. May I sit here?" A voice asked. I opened my eyes and looked at the person. She looked to be in her early twenties. She had ash blond hair put into a very neat bun. Her eyes are round and her irises are green. Her skin is fair and she was kind of short. "Hinotsubasa. Of course you can sit down." I said with a nod as I gestured for her to sit down. "I haven't seen you in a while kid. How are you doing?" I asked as I crossed my legs. "Fine ma'am. I wanted to talk to you about your departure from the Forth." Hinotsubasa says. "You say it like I've already left." I said with a straight face making her stiffen up. "But what did you want to say?" I asked. "I want to come with you. I know that it's a lot to ask but I want to help you." Hinotsubasa said shyly as she fidgeted with her fingers. "Mmm." I hummed as I looked at her. She took one look at me and stood up. "Y-You know what... it's f-fine. Just forget about it." Hinotsubasa nervously giggled before walking away. I sipped on my red cup of fruit punch as I watched her. Hinotsubasa Mizuki. Interesting.

The next Day

I sighed as I finished up the last bit of my reports. "Hinotsubasa Mizuki." I muttered as I stood up from my desk. before leaving I picked up a file. I walked into the main desk area where Pan and Uzukakyū was. "Pan, can I see Hinotsubasa Mizuki's file?" I asked as I handed Pan the file. "Mizuki's? Sure." Pan responded. "Yeah, she doesn't stand out much. It's a bit random." Uzukakyū says quietly as she writes down her reports. Uzukakyū Tadashi has dark brown hair that is messy and a bit spikey, her front bangs are middle parted. With a small part of hair in the upper part of her head is put into a ponytail, and the bottom part is left hanging down to her shoulders. Her eyes are a teal green color and her nose is small. Her skin tone is a bit pale and her lips aren't very full but they aren't thin and her eyebrows are slightly bushy. Despite Uzukakyū's constant want for sleep she is well built. But as weird as it is she's always cold and because of that she always has a dark purple futon draped over her shoulders. Uzukakyū opened the file cabinet and searched for Hinotsubasa's file. Once she found it, she held the file out to us. "Why don't you read it to us, Lieutenant?" I teased with a small smirk. Uzukakyū rolled her eyes before opening up the file. I dug in my jumpsuit pocket and grabbed my pack of cigarettes. Took one out and put it in my mouth. I then put my finger on the tip and lit the cigarette with my flames. "Must you smoke your last week here?" Uzukakyū asked as Pan did his work. "You should've asked that question before she lit the cigarette Tadashi. You know Shinmon doesn't like wasting things." Pan said with a small chuckle. "Please don't say my given name." Uzukakyū said a bit louder than usual. Right, Uzukakyū  doesn't like her given name said at all. I know why, and it's not because she's traditional. Poor kid. I puffed smoke out of my mouth. "Just give me her description." I said.

"Mizuki Hinotsubasa is the last of her clan in the Special Fire Force. Mizuki is a Third Generation Pyrokinetic that can emit flames out of her back, when enough fire is emitted the flames take shape of wings. At first in the academy all of her stats were shaky but as her time in the academy continued she started to excel in hand-to-hand combat." Uzukakyū explained. "Due to her amazing hand-to-hand skills she has taught herself a finishing move that doesn't involve her Pyrokinetics, it's all physical strength. People say she has a bone crushing kick that can destroy an Infernals core." Uzukakyū said. She looked at Pan and sighed. "Thick thighs do save lives." Uzukakyū said as I chuckled. "Anyway, at the Forth she's very clumsy and shy. She can get work done if she's in an office with few people but she has severe social anxiety. But on the field she appears to be a bad ass. Her social skills need some work but other than that I'd say she's a damn fine soldier. Why did you want to see her file?"  Uzukakyū asked as she put the papers back in Hinotsubasa's file. "I think she wanted me to take her with me to start a new company. She seems like a great asset." I replied as I walked to the window behind Pan's desk and opened it. "You should talk to her again. I think she would work better in a new company." Pan said. I hummed before taking the cigarette out of my mouth as puffing out smoke. I dumped the ashes out the window. "Plus you need people in your company." Pan said. I hummed again. "You should stop smoking too." Uzukakyū said as she put Hinotsubasa's file back where it came from. I hummed again. I get no ups and downs from smoking; since I have Pyrokinetic powers my lungs don't get affected by the smoke. I really don't get any pleasure from it and I don't smoke when I'm stressed. There's no reason at all. Maybe I will stop soon. I smoked the cigarette until there was nothing to smoke anymore.  

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