Battle of Hogwarts

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Time went by you didn't hear from Draco at all. Harry,Ron and Hermione had disappeared after the wedding and there wasn't anything you could do but return to Hogwarts.

The year passed at Hogwarts everyone was treated like dirt, unless you were a Slytherin then it was a bit better for you. Snape had called an emergency meeting, everyone made their way to the Great Hall. Harry had apparently been in Hogesmade and next thing you know Harry was standing in the middle of everyone. Next thing you knew you were rushing out of the castle with Luna and Neville getting ready to put protective charms on the castle.

After a while of fighting you ran through the castle looking for your parents who had apparently showed up with the rest of the order to help in the fight. You saw a flash of platinum blonde hair and ran as fast as you could towards it.

He was running with Blaise but stopped dead in his tracks and turned to look at you.
A death eater came around the corner Draco stunned him before he had a chance to do anything. Draco ran over to you and pulled you into a giant hug. You guys fell to your knees, holding each other in the others arms. This is where you felt safe, even with everything going on around you.
'I'm sorry, I'm so sorry,' Draco whispered in your ear. You looked up at him.
'(Y/n), do you still love me?'
'Of course I do, forever.'

Blaise stunned the death eater as it started to get up again. Then Voldemort's voice rang through the grounds, he had all the death eaters retreat and wanted Harry to meet him in the forbidden forest. You headed to the Great Hall where everyone else was. Walking in the Great Hall you noticed your dad and the Weasleys were hovering over two people. Approaching them you saw Fred first, your hand tightened on Draco's. Then Mrs.Weasley moved over, to show your dad crouched over your mom's body. She died.

You let go of Draco's hand and went to your father. He hugged you and you immediately began crying. Mrs.Weasley rubbed your back. Eventually Draco took over hugging you as you cried. 

After a while Neville walked out to the grounds and saw the Death Eaters coming. Everyone rushed out, Harry was limp in Hagrid's arms. Ginny tried to run over but Arthur held her back. Voldemort asked if anyone wanted to come over to his side before being killed. Draco's parents called for him to go over. Draco looked around.

'Go you know what will happen if you don't.' You whispered that in his ear. Draco looked at you and went over getting an awkward hug from Voldemort along the way.

Then all of a sudden Harry had woken up and the battle had started again. You saw the Malfoy's walking away from Hogwarts then apperate. You ran to your dad.
'I have to do something, help Draco fight another battle.'
'Whatever you have to do just be safe, I love you.' Your dad said quickly and gave you a hug.
'I love you too,' you apperated to the Malfoy Manor.

'(Y/n),what are you doing here?' Draco asked very confused.
'Draco, you have to do what your heart wants, not what others tell you.' Narcissa and Lucius looked at eachother.

'Father, I'm done.I'm not going to be the man you want me to be!'
'What are you talking about?' Lucius asked taking a step towards him.
'You taught me anything less than a pure blood was horrible, you taught me people that aren't rich are merely trash. You wanted me to be a death eater, I did. You wanted me to do a lot of things and what did I do? I did them I listened to you. I idolized you but little did I know you were wrong!'

'You don't know what your talking about boy! Did this girl put this trash in your head!' He gestured to you.

'No, she only opened my eyes to how much fun life could be. I always grew up trying to follow your footsteps, but that's not what I want. I always felt so alone and I don't know why it took me this long to realize.'
'Draco...' Narcissa said in a soft voice, you could tell she was at a loss for words.

'Draco Malfoy, you are going to regret talking to me like that. You can go to your room or get out. I only tried to give you the best.' Lucius said this with a certain harshness.
'I know but you never asked what I wanted.'
'Now Draco are you done with this?'

'Well then you can get out, or apologize.'
'Lucius!' Narcissa said walking over to him.
'No, it's fine Mum I'll go.' Draco said starting to walk towards the stairs. 'Father isn't going to understand,' he looked at Narcissa, she looked at him and he knew she understood what she meant. '(Y/n) come help me pack.'
'Oh yes sure.' You rushed up the stairs after him.

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