Chaos at the Burrow

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You and your parents apperated away to the Burrow the next day. You guys all said your hellos getting checked by Madeye that it was really you. You went upstairs to see the rest of the 'kids'. You went upstairs and found Fred, George,Ginny,Ron, and Hermione.You said hello to them all. They told you about there plans to get Harry there which would take place the next night. Your parents had briefly told you about these before but hadn't went into much detail.

'Do you think he's actually going to let you guys have hair for the Pollyjuice Potion?'
'No probably not,' Hermione answered your question. Later it was time to get Harry, you stayed at the Burrow with Ginny and Mrs.Weasley. Your parents went back to they're house because it was where Bill and Fleur were going to be stopping after being at Harry's house.

After what seemed like forever people started to show up, Harry and Hagrid were first. Later George came and his ear had been blown off by Snape. When everyone else got there your parents came back, and everyone got the shocking news that Madeye had died.

The days went on, the order still hadn't located Madeye's body which was unfortunate. But now it was time for the Wedding. That morning everyone woke up bright and early, you were rushed into Fleur's room after breakfast. Ginny and Fleur's sister were going to be bridesmaids, and you needed to help them get ready. You did their hair and helped with their makeup, then you got yourself ready because the wedding was starting soon. The ceremony happened and it was very beautiful.

After it was time for the party. You were having a really great time. Luna was there so you caught up with her. You guys ate a lot of food and danced into the night. Fred had asked you to dance, you started dancing with him and then a patrounous came into the middle of the room. It announced that the ministry had been taken by Voldemort and the death eaters were coming.

Everything was suddenly chaos. You and Fred gave each other a worried look and you went to find your parents as death eaters started showing up.

'(Y/n) go home now!' Your parents yelled at you. You said I love you to them and apperated home.

You had been there for 15 minutes and were really starting to worry about what was happening and why your parents weren't back yet. Then all of a sudden you heard a swoosh and went in the hall to see Bellatrix.

'Expeliarmus,' she shouted as your wand flew out of your hand, she laughed.
'What are you doing here? Did something happen to my parents?'
'Ah you stupid girl your parents are putting up a good fight, but I need to collect you for other reasons.'
'What are you talking about?'
You made a run for your wand but she used a spell against you. You tripped and then had ropes tied around your hands.

'Now,' she walked over to you, 'relax or those will only get tighter, now if you'll come with me.' She pulled you up and then apperated with you.

You looked around, Bellatrix holding on to your shoulder, you realized you were in the Malfoy Manor. She pushed you on to the ground hitting your knees hard against the tile you grunted in pain.

'Who's she?'
You looked up to see Lucius Malfoy was the one asking. Looking around you noticed Narcissa, Draco, and Voldemort were also in the room. You met eyes with Draco but he quickly looked away.

'This is Draco's little girlfriend,' Bellatrix said walking around you with her wand still pointed at you.
'Girlfriend?' Lucius looked at Draco.

'How'd you find out?' Draco asked.
'Found a letter,' she smiled wickedly.
'Enough of this nonsense!' Voldemort said walking closer to you. 'No Draco my boy, I should just kill you, but this is your last warning, Crucio!'

You fell to the ground and your body immersed  with pain.
'Stop I'll stay!' Draco yelled.
The pain suddenly stopped.
'I'll stay a death eater just please leave (y/n) alone.'

'Love makes us weak, anymore of this and I'll have no choice but to kill her, Bellatrix if you'll get rid of her now.'
'Yes my Lord'

Next thing you knew you were back at your house Bellatrix disappearing seconds later. Your parents ran around the corner just in time to see her leave. You soon were in their arms telling them everything from the beginning of your relationship with Draco. They weren't mad just really worried and a bit upset you didn't tell them.

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