Our Final Light

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That day special day seven years ago. The day we had our baby girl, Alyssa Kogane.

She was born so much like me and yet so much like her father. She may have inherited my skin color, hair color and eyes, but she defiantly has Keith's attitude and some of his personality.

Alyssa was very much a surprise, but then again, married couples usually tend to have children within the first two years or so of their marriage. But Keith and I weren't expecting a baby girl in the first year of our marriage.

I just remember a lot of throwing up, being tired and eating a lot of snack foods. But I could never forget the day I had my daughter.

Holding her for the first time was like holding a light that would shine even after my light died. And don't get me started on how the others reacted when I told them that I was pregnant!

For Pidge, she begged to be the Godmother and fought with Allura for the title. Lance kept congratulating Keith and I. Hunk was crying his eyes out. And Shiro was excited to be an uncle.

The same reactions happened with my family. They were so excited and even to this day, they spoil Alyssa rotten. I'm amazed Alyssa is as kind as she was now and not some kind of nightmarish spoiled brat.

"Mama!" I heard a voice shout from the other side of my bedroom door. The door swung open, and revealed my daughter, Alyssa Kogane.

She smiled and ran to me, jumping onto the bed and hugging my arm.

"Whatcha doing, Mama?" She asked.

"Not much, just looking at old photos." I replied.

Alyssa looked down at the photo book and pointed to the one where me and Keith were holding her as a baby.

"Is that me?" She asked, "I look like a boy." I laughed and nodded.

"Yeah, but you were adorable. And you still are!" I said, tickling my daughter and letting the photo book slip onto the bed.

Our laughter echoed through the entire room and down the hall, alerting my husband who had come looking for us.

I didn't even notice Keith walking into the room until he knocked on the doorframe. I stopped tickling Alyssa and looked up to see Keith smirking at us.

"You two ready to go?" He asked, "We don't wanna be late getting to Altea."

"Okay, Dad! We're coming!" Alyssa said, escaping my trapping embrace and running to her father, who laughed and picked her up to hold her.

I brushed some of my hair out of my eyes, fixed myself up and then left our home with smiles on our faces.

It had a little less than a year since we had seen our friends and we were happy to see them again. We didn't live on Earth, so we couldn't see most of our friends on a regular basis.

Actually, we didn't really live on of our home planets. Sure, I had my duties to the Teshirian council, but we had a separate hoke on another planet we lived in most of the time. It was better for us when we started our family.

For most of the time, we lived on the planet where my family once lived. The same planet where I found the Silver Lion.

We weren't the only ones living on the small planet, but there weren't very many inhabitants just yet. It was a secluded planet, and many alien races don't know about it all too well.

All in all, everything was great in our lives.

I have a wonderful husband.

A beautiful and loving daughter...

And soon.....

I chuckled to myself as we boarded our small transport ship and opened a wormhole to Altea, gently rubbing my stomach.

I knew how they would react when I tell them that Alyssa was getting a sibling. A baby brother specifically.

As the flash of light engulfed us and transported us to Altea, I thought of the future beyond ours.

The future of our children. Their children, and the children after them.

What would the universe be like after all that time?

For now however...

I'm enjoying watching our Final Light shine brightly.


Hi everyone, this is RubyRose! Thank you all so much for following this story to the very end! All of the comments and support you all gave me the drive to continue to write the story and create the drawings for each chapter.

I hope you guys enjoyed the story and perhaps check out my other Voltron stories.

Once again, I thank you for all the support, votes, and comments you've given me! It's all appreciated in many ways!

And with that, The Silver Palidan has ended! The story is now complete! Hope to see your comments and reads in perhaps my other stories.

Bye bye!


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