Chapter Five

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A/N: special thanks to tpwkxsg ! also gonna start making the chapters longer so it might take more time to get them out. ily <3

"Are you listening, Louis?

The boy snapped out of his trance.

"Yea sorry mum," Louis apologized.

"I need you to unpack the boxes in your new room," his mother, Jay repeated.

The Tomlinson's recently moved from London, about a 3 hour drive.

  Louis kept replaying the moment his blue eyes locked with a pair of green ones. The moment a curly headed boy stood in front of him. The moment he couldn't seem to stop thinking about. The moment where the crystal blue sky met the line of the greenest, most lively grass ever seen.


   Louis' sister, Lottie, knocked on the bedroom door.

"Come in," Louis looked up as the door opened.

"Oh hi Lots. Do you need something?"

"Well," Lottie took a seat on Louis' bed.

"Could you drive me to my friends house?" she asked.

  Lottie already had friends living in Doncaster by the time we moved. Unlike Louis.

  Louis agreed, hoping it would take his mind off that boy he ran into earlier that week. It was now Sunday, meaning he started school tomorrow.

"Get in."

Lottie smirked and turned on the radio. A song instantly came on. It was by her favorite band. She was obsessed with this boyband. One Addition was it? Or One Subtraction? He can't remember.

As Lottie jumped out the car and heading inside her friends house, Louis decided to drive around. Get used to the place and see what Doncaster had to offer. He realized he was quite hungry as it was getting pretty late in the afternoon.

  Soon enough, he found a cute little bakery in the middle of a shopping center. The boy decided to park and grab something to eat.

The bakery was beige with marron accents. Quite cozy, he thought.

  As Louis opened the door, a little bell rung. He decided on a cup of tea and a biscuit. Then proceeded to sit at a small table in the corner of the bakery. The bakery smelled of fresh goods and baked dough. It was nice and relaxing.

Looking up from his phone, he noticed two teenage boys walking out of a store. They were deep in conversation, both holding shopping bags in their hands. One of the boys turned around, making his face visible. Louis shot his head back down to his phone. It was him. The boy from the store.

Just as Louis managed to get the kid out of his brain he just shows up again. Louis couldn't help but blush. Luckily for him, the curly lad hadn't seen him.

"Bloody hell," Louis mutters silently under his breath.

What was it about that green-eyed, curly brown haired kid?


Louis decided to stop at his new school to pick up his schedule before heading home. Not only was Louis new, but he was a senior arriving the third week of school. Louis wasn't a huge fan of learning. He knew it was to help him and he knew how much education meant to his mother. Louis tolerated school. He wasn't a straight A student. Quite average I guess.

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