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Btw Izuku doesn't know people's quirk, despite having one that let's him see others entire info, because he doesn't want to invade their personal space. He had a quirk that does this, but just never uses it.

It had been quite awhile since the cafe first opened. The heroes had talked about the cafe but decided to put it aside because they were busy protecting their students from attacking villians, even so, many heroes came to the café to either scope it out, or to just relax seeing as it was quite a nice place anyways. Most of the heroes didn't come very often as their jobs often got in the way. And a few almost started a fight, but so far no one has broken the rules to forced Izuku to fight them, usually his intimidation and a bit of nudging worked. He had finished Toga's page of info about her in his analysis notebook, and had even gotten stickers that showed blood splotches and put them on her page, when she saw this, mixed in with the 'cute' drawing of her on the page, she was quite happy with Izuku's work. Mr. Aizawa was, really, the only hero regular (other than Grandma who is retired) and even then, he didn't come everyday. Izuku's cafe even built a small reputation, enough so, that Randy quit her part time job, and his mother, as agreed since it had been more than a month, had quit one of her jobs, she was quite happy to quit the job as her bosses there definetly abused their powers. Izuku had been quite happy with these outcomes and was enjoying his life there, even if many people came to scowl or make fun of his cafe, if someone disrespected the cafe, by trashing it, or something of the sort while he was there and it was opened, he was able to easily scare them off with a bit of intimidation, especially since the phrase, "the customer is always right" did not apply there. Izuku had even upgraded the place a bit. There were more books in the library area, even a new series. Inko actually got Izuku a new long chapter book series as a gift, and he had just about started to read the first book and was loving it already! Along with this, he also got a few of the regulars to open up a bit.

Q admitted that her family had a tradition where their names were the names of their quirks, and once her family learned she was quirkless, they refused to give her a name, and treated her as garbage, they only keep her around in case she was a late bloomer, and to force her to do things around the house. Q even said that she often steals from her parents in order to pay for the cafe, she then immediately told Izuku not to worry because "They have too much money to notice anyways". After hearing this Izuku was furious, and unleashed his story, explaining that he also got ridiculed because people thought he was quirkless. He went on and on about how horrible his teachers and classmates were, he also explained that their parents also made fun of his mother for keeping him. Q sympathized and they became like siblings after that, despite Q being a lot younger than Izuku, although this may have fueled their bond further, as Izuku turned into a kind of big brother to Q.

Grandma explained that she retired ages ago, and was actually very old. She explained that the prolonged life was a side affect of her quirk, however she only stayed a hero for a few decades, before retiring, she explained that she had 3 husbands in her time, the first she broke up with because he cheated on her, the other two died, and how she had loved the two incredibly. One was a Frenchman, the other from Japan, but also was a dancer, a very traditional dancer to be exact. The Frenchman swooed her and took her off her feet after her bitter divorce with her husband, she traveled quite a bit in that time. The Frenchman passed away much to early for his age. The dancer was exotic, it was a four decades before she met him, three decades before her last relationship if you count her girlfriend (died from villian attack), anyways the dancer died from a terrible disease. She explained that she had loved every single one, the first, she believes, was just young love, and when she got out of the first relationship she realized how controlling he was. She explained that she even had picture of each of them, and even more of her travels, as well as items and souvenirs of her travels. Izuku and Randy was hooked on her story, she may have been a bit vague, but it was a crazy story nonetheless! Grandma also admitted that she wouldn't tell them her name because she liked being called Grandma, as she was never successful in bearing children, and had thought about adoption multiple times, but pushed it off as she was afraid of getting attached and seeing them grow old and die, as she had seen many times before.

Toga never really revealed anything else about her past, but would constantly talk about the other members of the LOV, the things that they did that annoyed her that day, or something that excited her that day. She also talked about people who would come to the LOV that she didn't like, like for instance, this 'annoying beak man!' She explained and whined about how annoying and disrespectful he was, and that, if she had a choice, she would have ended him a long time ago. She also explained that he didnt deserve to be called by a cute nickname, not by a long shot. Which really put it into perspective for Izuku. But those were the only things she would talk about.

Hikarii had stopped showing up for awhile, and Kinzoku came to the café to get away from his busy life, so he refused to talk about his work. The only thing he confessed about his life was that, he would often come to the café to hide from his family and work in order to get some shut eye, or even just to get out of the problems that would come from every angle, just for a little while. Aizawa was a similar case. He was an underground hero, it was going to take ages before he opened up.

Izuku (with their permission) put this in his notebook. He had a page for each and every one of them, along with the things they told him, and a drawing of them. He was quite happy with how things were turning out. He hadn't gotten any new regulars yet, but many people had come and gotten their foods and drinks, so it didn't bother Izuku. The only thing that did, was the fact that Hikarii hadn't shown up in ages, and he was getting worried, there was nothing he could do, of course, since he didn't know where they lived, and he didn't have any way to contact them, but that didn't stop him, and Randy, from worrying.

Hope you enjoyed! See ya later! BTW comment if you want me to do a Q and A. If enough people want me to. I'll do one soon. PS. Type the question in the comments below, so I know how many people want me to do a Q n A, plus, I'll also have the questions themselves.

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