•~Chapter 7~•

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New Friends And Dressed to Impress

You and Cedric walked over to the Gryffindor table to sit down...

You saw Hermione and ran over to her leaving Cedric behind "Mionie!" you exclaimed with excitement as you both squealed "Mind if I join you for lunch?" you asked cheerfully

"I would love it if you could!" Hermione said exited to see you again, you sat down next to Hermione and Cedric came and sat next to you and said Hi to everyone. You noticed two ginger haired boys just like Ron opposite you, you assumed they were Weasleys

"Hi y/n!" they said in unison "We're the Weasley twins" they said in unison again

"well nice to meet you two, And I would have never guessed that you were the Weasley twins" you laughed and they joined you so did Ron and Harry

"I like her" one of them said to the other "me two" he replied

"so what are your names? I can't just call you 'the Weasley twins' now can I" i said jokingly

"I'm Fred" one said "and I'm Gorge" the other said

"Nice to meet you both" I said cheerfully "Fred!" I said smiling at him "Gorge!" I said smiling at the other boy

We ate our lunch when I realised another boy who hadn't said much but was there and seemed to be staring at me which I found rather rude, I turned to Cedric and asked "Who is that?" Quietly while looking over at the boy who had just stopped staring at me

"Oh, silly me I forgot to introduce you to him" Cedric said shaking his head a little, he looked at the boy "Oi!" sure enough he got the boys attention
"yea" the boy replied, He had a thick Scottish accent and it was really nice

"I don't know if I mentioned it to you, but this is my sister" Cedric said turning to me "y/n, say hello" Cedric said nudging me

"oh... ermm... Hi... my names... err...y/n... nice to meet you" I stuttered out making a fool of myself

"Hi y/n, I'm Wood, Oliver Wood it's nice to meet you" He said with his Thick Scottish accent

"nice to meet you too Oliver" I manged to say without stuttering "I like your accent" I said randomly

"Ah, Thank you Miss Diggory, that's very kind of you" he said with his thick Scottish accent

I giggled at the fact he called me Miss Diggory and that he said it was very kind of me "Only telling the truth!" I said back cheerfully

After Lunch we all carried on with our lessons which were pretty boring but I couldn't stop thinking about the new friends I had made at lunch.

~Authors POV~

At the end of the day after all of your lessons you went up to your dorm before dinner and had a shower and got changed into a nice outfit. you wanted to look good and impress everyone but you really wanted to impress Oliver Wood but for some reason you really wanted to impress Draco as well, you decided to wear something you thought that Draco might like  but also wanted everyone else to like it too. You wanted to look good to rub it in pansy's face that you are better than her even though you thought it was a bit mean but you reminded yourself that she was rude to you first. You chose your outfit and picked it up along with your hygiene stuff to go in the shower. after your shower you got changed into your outfit and went back to sitting on your bed reading as you didnt want anyone to see your outfit yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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