•~Chapter 2~•

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Y/N and Draco's friendship

You wake up earlier than usual and check the time on the large clock that is hanging on the wall to see that it is 2am, you stretch and yawn before getting out of bed and sorting out your uniform and robes. You grab your things and go to the showers, when you get there no one else is there just as you suspected because it is so early. You have a cold shower to wake you up and keep you refreshed, when you finished in the shower you got on your uniform and robes and went back to your dorm. By the time you were back in your dorm it was 3am so you decided to put on some make-up.

You are wearing some clear lip gloss, mascara and eyeliner, You look up in the mirror and smile. You then proceed to go and pack your bag ready for the day with all of your new textbooks, You still have lots of time before anyone wakes up so you grab your favourite book and head to the common room where you sit down on the leather green couch and start to read. You are sat there reading and are so focused and drawn into the book that you didnt realise that someone had come into the common room and sat down opposite you.

"Interesting book?" they say startling you

you jump a little and look up

"didnt mean to scare you, sorry" they say politely

"What do you want Malfoy?" you say clearly annoyed "And why are you being so nice all of a sudden?" you add curiosity filling you

"Would you prefer it if was being an ass then filthy Half-Blood?" he says jokingly

"Would you like me to punch you again?" you say seriously

"Don't call me that! OK?" you demand rather than ask

"Calm down stroppy pants" he says trying to brighten the mood, you both laugh then you ask again

"What do you want Malfoy?" you ask a little nicer this time

"What? Am I not allowed to sit in my own common room and talk to a fellow Slytherin" he says in a somewhat of an annoyed tone

"no, its fine" you say starting to read your book again

"What are you reading?" Draco asks trying to make small talk

"What do you think?" you say calmly "can you not read?" you add on jokingly

you both sit there until you get up not taking your eyes off of your book

"where are you going?" Draco asks sounding upset

"Back to my dorm" you reply still not taking your eyes off of the book "Why?"

"oh, No reason." he says sounding more upset

"do you want me to stay here then?" you say sweetly

"ummm... if you want too" he says sounding happy you offered

you don't say anything and go sit back down on the sofa still reading

"You must really like that book?" he sort of asks

"Yea, its really interesting" you reply putting it down "Do you like to read?" you ask sweetly

"sometimes" he replies "I don't really get the chance to read though" he says sadly

"oh, that's sad" you say sympathetically

you both talk about what lessons you have that day and realise that you have most of your lessons together that day. You both apologise to each other for what happened last night at dinner and decide to become friends. However, Draco explains that his father is very strict and he is not allowed to be friends with muggle born's and Half-Bloods such as yourself so your friendship will have to be secret you both agree and laugh as you say "Well its a good thing that I'm a great actress then!" just before everyone gets up you say goodbye to Draco and go to your dorm as he waits in the common room for his stupid friends.

you and Draco had spent 3 hours together and it was now 6am and everyone was starting to get up and ready for the day. You were reading in your room and got so caught up in your book that you hadn't realised an Hour and 5 minutes had already gone by. When you realised you got up and ran to the great hall you were 6 minutes late to breakfast on your first day 'I'm a disaster, late on my first day' you say to yourself in your mind. When you enter the hall and everyone turns around and looks at you, You glare at them and say "what are you all looking at!?" in a rude tone, Almost everyone turns back around immediately and carry's on eating but Cedric is still looking at you in shook of how rude you just were and Malfoy is still staring at you almost in a say dream. You go and sit down on the far end of the Slytherin table and grab two slices of toast and eat them slowly. It's nearly the end of the feast and you spot the last green apple in the fruit bowl, you realise its in between you and Malfoy and that he is going to grab the apple as well. You give him a nasty glare and go to grab the apple but Draco manages to grab it first

he laughs and says "look who tried to steal MY apple" he laughs "Guess I beat you to it"

without thinking you lean over and bite the apple and eat the piece you bit of "Guess you did, but I think its mine now" you snigger and grab the apple out of his hand as he stands there staring at you in shock "Got a staring problem Malfoy?" you joke "Take a photo, It will last longer!" you exclaim as he slowly starts to sit down in a huff and some of the other Slytherins start to cheer and jokingly say "oOoOoO" in unison you laugh and sit down and eat your apple

"y/n" a random Slytherins says...



to be continued....

I hope you are enjoying to story, if this one sounds a bit rushed its because its late but I wanted to be able to get another part out today. I will try to post at least 1 part every Saturday and Sunday but I might only be able to make 2-3 during the week

Y/N X Draco {a Draco Malfoy X Reader story}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ