Late Arrival

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The doorbell glared at me with a hostile stare. I looked down at the letter, addressed to Harry reading the door number once more, Standing on the cabin's porch, I felt the snow falling from the sky, blanketing the floor in a white cover. It was very cold but at the same time I didn't want to press the button which would give me warmth. I was bound to the doorstep by my bags which felt like weights, despite my mind begging my legs to turn and run. I finally lifted my feet and begin to hide my face from the big oak door that swallowed the light. The cabin was relatively old but through the door, I saw a recently renovated interior lined with festive decorations. Just as I fully turned a figure opened the door. "Hey" he said is a deep but smooth voice, "Well don't just stand there, come on in."

I walked into the cabin foyer and took note of the massive Christmas tree that welcomed me over. To my left was a study: it's door slightly open allowing me to see a man sat at his computer typing away at the keyboard. He was in a lavish suit giving my an impression of his job being well paying. The more I stared the more I wondered. I closed the door quietly and made my way to the fireplace, hoping to warm my hands up from the cold outside. Sitting on the L-shaped sofa were 2 boys, around my age, so 20-ish I would guess. On the side seat was another man who looked a little older, and behind him was the man who had opened the door for me. His hair was jet black and curly, a small twist framed his chisled face at the side. He was wearing a red woolly jumper which accentuated the big muscles of his biceps, and grey joggers which carefully outlined a thick cock. The man in front of him began to speak, "Since we only have 5 bedrooms, Harry will be sharing with Tom. The boy with short, curly nodded in agreement, but the man with jet black hair opened his mouth in protest. Before he could argue, the man in front of him explained his reasoning, "Matt, I put Harry and Tom together as they are the youngest so it makes most sense for them to share a room." Matt's mouth shut and everyone decided to make their way upstairs to bed.

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