OceanClan Territory

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OceanClan's territory has very few trees and is mostly open moorland with lots of wildflowers. The tall grass is a great cover for rabbits. Their land seems much smaller because part of their beach is covered in shallow water. OceanClan cats love water and find most of their prey comes from the ocean. They catch fish and the occasional crab.

Camp:(Shown above) A small scoop in the ground, there are a few bushes around it as well.

Leaders Den/Meeting Place: Tall rock with a hole in it where the leader sleeps.

Medicine Cat Den: Nice sized tree with hollow ground under it where the Medicine Cat stays. The herbs are stored on the roots below ground.

Apprentice Den: Den weaved out of reeds and ferns. Just big enough for all the apprentices.

Nursery: Medium-sized stone with a hole in it for the kits and queens. Ferns cover the entrance, protecting the cats from rain and wind.

Warrior Den: Big bush with hollow ground under it where the warriors sleep.

Elders Den: Pile of rocks with plenty of room for all the elders.

Sun Boulders: Large boulders in the shallow area of the ocean. The rocks are warm when the sun is out and are a favorite place for cats to go in warm weather.

Rabbit Warren: A large rabbit warren, the best place to catch rabbits.

(Camp image created using https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/103286682/fullscreen )

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