Chapter 1: The Mask

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Heyyy this is my first wattpad story! Sorry if it's bad, I'm not exactly the best at writing stories, but here we are. Enjoy!! :D

TW: Slight swearing and child abuse

Butter's P.O.V

Hi! My name is Leopold Stotch, but you can call me Butters! I'm 16 years old in high school. Right now, it's almost the end of class, and then we get to go home for the day.

"And then you add the 12 to the 9 and-" Our teacher, Mr. Garrison, got cut off by the bell. He sighed. "All right, you're all dismissed for the day. Go and hang out with your gay little friends."

We all got out of our seats and rushed out the door. Some people almost ran me over, but I managed to stumble out. I spotted Stan's gang near the lockers and I walked over to them. "Hey fellas!" I greeted them with a smile. "Hey Butters." Kyle greeted me back. Stan waved to me and went back to looking at something on Kyle's phone. "Hey Buttercup!" Kenny greeted me with a warm smile.

Kenny McCormick.

The boy I've been crushing on since 5th grade.

The sweetest boy in all the school, and the only real person who's nice to me.

I flushed and waved to him shyly. "Gay." Eric muttered. Kenny sent him a nasty glare and Kyle elbowed his side. "Ow! Watch it Kahl!" The fat boy growled. Kyle sent him a look and continued doing something on his phone. "Hey, we're seeing a movie later, wanna come?" Kenny asked me. As tempting as that is, I've got to get home. "Sorry, I've got to get home before I get grounded." I say, rubbing my knuckles together. "That's alright! See you later Buttercup." The blond boy spoke whilst smiling at me. I stared at him for a few seconds before I hurried out of the school and headed for home.

As soon as I got home I heard my parents calling for me in the living room. I sighed and put my bag down and took my shoes off. I trudged into the living room and saw my parents sitting down on the couch with serious expressions on their faces. Oh boy, this can't be good.

"Butters come sit down." My mom said, pointing to the couch across from her and dad. I gulped and sat on the couch. "Butters, it has come to my attention that you are coming back from school later than usual." My dad started with a calm, but angry expression. I started rubbing my knuckles together again. "W-well, I j-just came home a few minutes after 3:00..."

"BUTTERS! THAT IS UNACCEPTABLE! YOU ARE GROUNDED MISTER!" My dad screamed at me. I jumped and nodded sadly. "Yes, sir." I mumbled and headed upstairs. I got to my room and fell onto my bed. I stared at the ceiling for a few minutes, until I heard my phone ding. My parents never take away my phone when I'm grounded, for some reason. I sit up and check my phone. It's Kenny. My heart starts beating faster as I open up the message.

Kenny: hey Buttercup! How r u?

Butters: I'm fine :)

Kenny: u still sure u can't come to the movies?

Butters: yeah, I'm grounded :(

Kenny: aw man!

Kenny: wait hold on, I'm coming to get u

I stopped texting for a second. Kenny sometimes liked to come "rescue" me whenever I'm grounded. He would come to my house and climb through my window and help me get out of the house for a few hours. (Yes, I know, a million other fanfics already did this idea, but idk what else to write ¯\_()_/¯). It was sweet in a way. I smiled, but then immediately frowned and texted him back.

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