
99 5 9

[after listening to Fall]

Dre: Don't worry, Paul. Marshall's just going through his rebellious teen phase

Paul: He's 46-


Rondell: What did you do with the body?

Shady: What didn't I do with the body?


Shady: Okay, that sounded more sexual than I intended. I disposed of the corpse respectfully

Author's note

d12 without context pt. 5:

"one thing I don't need is a guy who eats a lot of salsa and has a bad attitude"

hey guys, it's me, the author! I just wanted to ask you a question: I found a lot of other incorrect quotes to use, but they're too many so I should put them in another book, kinda like a sequel of this one. The only thing is: would you read it? If the answer's yes, I will finish publishing the final chapters of this book and then I'll start writing the first chapters of the sequel. If the answer's no... well, I guess that's it!

Regardless of what your answer will be, I love you guys and I could never thank you enough for the 2000 and plus readings!

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