Chapter 21: It Was A Memory

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Looking at her surroundings Y/N saw her mom in the kitchen. It looked like she was baking. Y/N smiled and made her way over to her mother.

"Mama, what are you making?" The h/c hair girl questioned.

Y/N's mother looked away from her baking and saw her five-year-old daughter staring back at her with her e/c eyes.

"Well, sweetie. I'm making cookies for your father. He'll be home soon, and he's been away on a business trip. I wanted to make something special for him to show we missed him."

A warm smile came from Y/N's mother as the little girl smiled back.

"Can I help? I want Daddy to know I missed him too"

The girl's mother picked her daughter up and sat her on her hip.

"Here, sweetie. Take these chocolate chips and drop them in the bowl. Okay?"

Y/N did as she was told and continued to do little things to help her mother make the sweet treat for the arrival of her father.

Her mother pulled out the final batch of cookies from the oven then there was a knock at the door. Her mother turned off the oven and removed her apron as she went to answer it. Y/N peeked around the corner and saw her mother talking to a police officer.

"Ma'am, are you going to okay? Is there someone you need me to call to stay with you?" the officer asked.

Y/N's mother stared at the ground. She finally responded after a moment of silence.

"No, I'll be fine. Thank you, officer."

The policeman was hesitant to leave but decided to head out anyway.

Once the door was closed Y/N's mother dropped to the ground and started crying uncontrollably. Y/N immediately started running towards her mother.

"Mama! Are you okay? What's wrong?"

Her mother hugs her close and sobs. The girl stays still in her mother's arms unsure of what to do. After several minutes Y/N speaks.

"Mama don't be sad. Daddy is coming home soon, remember? He'll make everything all better."

The girl's mother pulls away hearing the words, tears still flowing down her cheeks.

"Baby, let's go sit on the couch. We need to talk about your father," she said softly.

Y/N looks at her mother in confusion. She had a bad feeling in her stomach like she had too much candy. They sit down on the couch and as her mother sniffles, she begins to calmly speak to her daughter.

"Sweetie, I'm afraid your father isn't coming home tonight. He was in an accident on his way home and he was hurt."

The h/c hair girl looked at her mother again with confusion. People have accidents all the time. They just need a kiss and it'll make everything better. Right?

"So, does he need a band aid?"

Y/N's mother looked at her with sad eyes.

"Baby, he was hurt really bad. A band aid couldn't help him. We won't see him again because he died."

Her mother started crying again as she hugged her daughter.

"He died? So, he won't get to eat the cookies we made for him?" she asked with a frown on her face.

Her mother sighed.

"No, he won't."

The little girl didn't fully understand what was happening, but she felt tears flowing down her cheeks. Her mother picked her up and held her close as they cried together.

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