Answer My Question

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Twisting the climbing gear in her hands, Y/N looks at the harness and audibly sighs. The equipment looked so simple at first, but the more she tries to fiddle with it the more twisted it all becomes. She feels a presence over top of her and she sees Bakugo smirking at her. She tosses him the harness and furrows her brow.

"If it's so funny, then you can help me untangle the stupid thing."

Bakugo catches the twisted gear and starts to unravel it quickly. He steps closer to her and motions for her to step into the leg holes that were now clear.

"I was wondering when you were going to ask for help, Princess."

She rolls her eyes but steps forward. Bakugo carefully starts to fasten her into the harness, and she feels a blush creep onto her cheeks as she's reminded how close they were. She swallows and decides to speak.

"You said I could ask questions while we're down here. You said that we used to climb. Did I have this much trouble with the gear then as well?"

Bakugo pauses for a second, and Y/N can feel him tightening the straps. He checks the clasp once again, and she can see something in his eyes. Something that looked far off and sad. Like he was reminiscing.

"Yeah. I helped you with a lot of things before your memory loss. I used to tell you that you'd be fucking lost without me, and I'm still right."

She scrunches her face at the dig.

"So, mean to me." She says in a joking tone. She looks at Bakugo as he raises a brow at her, causing her to giggle at the reaction.

"Let's get started, dumb ass. We've wasted who the hell knows how long getting your equipment on."

They make their way to the wall and Y/N watches Bakugo start to climb. She tries to mimic his technique and part of her feels a familiarity with what she's doing. As she starts to reach for the next groove, she feels a hand on her hip pressing her more against the wall.

"I swear to fuck some things never change, Princess. Keep your hip as flush to the wall as you can."

A flustered feeling runs through her causing a rush of heat. She looks over to Bakugo and nods her head. She focuses on the task at hand and starts to zone out. Random thoughts graze past her mind, and she remembers that he had said she could ask questions.

"Why do you call me Princess?" she asks, looking over at him hoping it wasn't too big of a question.

Bakugo turns his head towards Y/N and looks at her face. It was the same person he had grown to care for, but there was a lack of something in her expression. It was missing the feelings he knew that she felt for him. He pushes his thoughts down and focuses on her question.

"It's shortened. I used to call you Flame Princess because of your quirk."

He looks over to her for her reaction and he can tell that she's thinking of more to ask.

"Why did you shorten it?" she asks.

Bakugo grips a little harder into the groove than necessary.

"Tch, I shortened it because I felt like it. It's not that deep."

He can feel her eyes trying to read him. He can feel that she can see right through that answer.

"You're lying. Why? You said you'd answer my questions."

She can tell by the increasing scowl that she was right. She furrows her brow in confusion.

"Fine. Don't answer it. I'll ask something else instead. What is Kirishima to me?"

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