"These are prisoners of war who are worth nothing to our army. Our glorious leader has given us orders to execute them."

The fear and tension rose around me as the other soldiers slowly started to back away.

The man suddenly cocked his gun.

"LINE BACK UP OR I'LL PUT A BULLET IN EVERY ONE OF YOUR HEADS!" The commander barked. The others scrambled to their positions as he started leading the blinded men over to us and pushing them onto their knees.

"Now, anybody wanna go first?" He let his question linger in everyone's heads for a couple seconds before scoffing and walking back up to the recently bawling kid.

He grabbed him by the shoulder and threw him to the ground next to one of the captives. The kid slowly got to his feet and took a few shaking steps toward the unarmed man.

"Draw your gun!"

"B-But sir-"

"DO IT!"

"I don't know if I can-"


His shoulders slumped over in defeat as he reached for his holstered gun. Slowly putting the barrel to the captives head, he whispered something to the captive before turning the gun on himself and facing the rest of us.

"I will not kill innocent people for your contribution! I can tell who the bad guys really are. We're all just pawns in this army of lies. We aren't important. We're seen as expendable lives who they," He pointed at the commander, who was growing angrier by every passing second. "Deem expendable for their own contribution."

He looked the commander dead in the eye before saying,

"You're all a bunch of murderers."


The small boy folded to the ground in a mist of blood and brain matter, his gun slipping out of his hand.

The commander seemed unfazed at all while he spoke into his radio.

"Could I have two guards come to the courtyard? There's some trash that needs to be taken to the incinerator.

He sighed, placing his radio back onto his uniform.

"What a weakling," he spit on the boy's body and laughed. "I was gonna shoot him anyways."

He stared at the gun in his hand and glanced to the captive whom the boy was trying to protect.

Raising the gun, to the captives head once more, he squeezed out a single shot, and the captive went limp, slouching to the ground.

Anybody would've thought that his actions scared me. Honestly, it pissed me off. This asshat acts like he's the hotshot around here and believes that everyone's scared of him.

It didn't help when the flashbacks hit as soon as he pulls the trigger on that innocent man.

I didn't realize that I had my hand on my gun that was still in its holster.

"Hey, kid! If you seem so tough why don't you shoot this guy over there?!" He pointed to the short person, all tied up with the sack over their head.

I treaded across the yard to them, only to stop a few feet away.

Something felt.... different to me. I wasn't shaking from anxiety like I used to.

Am I having a stroke? I can't feel anything but rage.

I numbly pulled my gun out and turned the safety off.

Turning around, I gave the commander a snide look.

"Who died and made you leader, asshole?"

"Why you little-"


A small splatter of deep red bursts its way through the commander's neck as he tenses in surprise, falling to his knees and reaches out towards me, choking on his own blood.

He collapses to the ground, his last moments of life still present in the now-frozen emotions on his face.

I dropped the smoking gun as all eyes flicked to me.

"Y-You killed him." Somebody in the large crowd stuttered with shock. Shock and surprise turned into anger and betrayal throughout the crowd as guards who heard the gun shot came to investigate.

I dropped the gun and ran, adrenaline pumping through my veins. No one could kill someone of higher rank and get away with it.

I only knew for certain that my actions were punishable by death.

Note from the author:

Sorry for the lack of updates recently. Just got my phone back bc I got grounded...

School sucks ass.

If you're still with me, thanks for being loyal and patient. I won't disappoint.

More updates soon now that its summer vacation.


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