Chapter Seven | Time Is

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Salzburg, Austria

This was not your average Team Red discussion. Usually there were many differing opinions, now there wasn't even one. How could they make a choice? ACME was basically asking for an exchange, a wanted criminal for a seemingly innocent historian. Not that Carmen was evil or anything, that's just how the world painted her.

But in reality, it was more than an exchange for Carmen, it was a decision, was she going to choose her career or love.

"Carmen, there is no way you can give yourself up!" Zack declared, "We should tell them that they don't have a deal,".

Ivy scoffed, "You're seriously suggesting we just let them torture Julia!?".

"There's not much of a choice here, Ivy! If we give them Carmen, VILE wins!" Zack retorted, flailing his arms around his body.

"He is right," Shadowsan intervened, "Carmen cannot go with them,".

Ivy scowled at both of them, "I can't believe the both of you! Julia is our friend, our teammate, she's- she's Carmen's girlfriend,".

Shadowsan and Zack stopped arguing with Ivy and turned to look at Carmen. Shadowsan looked like he'd just been punched in the gut, pure shock and disbelief.

"Y-you and Julia? You're together?" he asked Carmen, who seemed to be shaking.

Carmen let her hands that were previously wrapped around her figure to fall to her sides. Her hands were balled into fists, shaking with rage. With a sharp intake of breath, she punched the wall she was currently facing with an angry cry. She continued punching the wall, her hits becoming less and less powerful as the seconds marched on.

Ivy looked away, unable to see her friend in this state, "Carm," she managed.

"Stop," Carmen whispered,"Just STOP!".

She whirled around, tears in her angry eyes. Her left fist looked bruised and it seemed to look like it was bleeding just a little, but Carmen didn't seem to care.

Zack looked horrified, "Carmen..?".

"You talk about her like she wasn't just here with us this evening laughing and part of our team," she breathed, her breaths short and ragged.

Shadowsan extended his hand, Carmen slapped it, "LEAVE!".

Ivy and Zack looked scared and surprised that Carmen was so angry and emotional about this. Their breathing was quick, their veins full of adrenaline as they quietly approached the door.

"Carmen, are you okay?" Player asked from the screen.

Carmen continued shaking as if she were about to explode, "I can't talk right now. I can't think right now. Could you all, just please, give me space?".

Her voice was shaky, like she was trying to either hold back the urge to punch the wall again or the urge to cry. From the look in her eyes, Ivy could probably guess that it was the second option.

Before leaving the room and closing the door, Ivy gave Carmen a last glance, "If you do need to talk, we'll be here, okay Carm?".

Carmen simply gave a small nod before Ivy locked the door, leaving Carmen all alone.


The walls were painted a soft gray. It made the room feel metallic, cold, and distant, all emotions she hadn't felt in a while. Earlier this very evening, her world had been filled with colour, warmth, and laughter. It had been happy and fulfilling, it had felt like home. Now, now she was far away from them, far away from anything she could ever consider her home.

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