Chapter Three | Intermission

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Somewhere in the World (Team Red's Private Jet)

The flight was filled with chatter, plans were laid and snacks were eaten, well, mostly by Zack. In a few minutes, the group would go over their final plan and get some much needed rest while they drew closer to their destination.

Julia had only stared out the window while she listened in on Zach and Shadowsan's conversation. She was terribly nervous for the upcoming heist, she just didn't want to let Carmen down. The thought of failing her sent spirals of nausea through her body. She was so caught up in her worrying she barely noticed when Ivy walked over and plopped down in front of her.

"Hiya Julia," she greeted, crossing her legs.

Julia jumped a bit at her friends' voice, "Hi Ivy,".

"You nervous?" Ivy asked, her face warm and kind.

Julia smiled at the concern of her friend, "A bit, I just don't want to mess up,".

"You won't," Ivy said, standing up and giving Julia a friendly punch on the shoulder.

"How do you know?" Julia asked in surprise, adjusting her glasses.

Ivy gave her another smile, "I just do,".

Julia had wanted to ask Ivy how she was so sure, but Carmen called the final team meeting. Everyone including Julia walked closer and sat in on the two couches near Carmen.

Carmen gave everyone a determined grin and started to speak, "Okay team, we'll be in Austria in about five hours, until then I'm going to run down the plan and then we'll all get some rest, understood?" everyone nodded in agreement, "First, Player, tell us what we know about VILE's plan,".

Player cleared his throat from beyond the screen, "I was scouring around on the web and found something about VILE trying to steal something from Mozart's birthplace in Salzburg, Austria,".

Shadowsan joined in, "If I know anything about VILE, this is Countess Cleo's doing. Sending operatives to steal priceless treasures is usually her M.O,".

Julia nodded, "ACME is bound to send two agents once you're spotted in Salzburg, most likely Agents Devineaux and Zari,".

"Player found that they're targeting a collection of Mozart's first pieces he wrote as a child. So, when we arrive, Julia and I, with Player's help, will snoop around the museum and the area around it for potential escape routes, entrances, and information. That night, Shadowsan and I will secure the precious compositions while Player takes down surveillance cameras and any alarms that the place has on. Zack will be ready in our getaway vehicle while Ivy distracts the VILE operatives. Now that brings us to Julia's part, once Shadowsan, Zack, and I are in the clear, we'll drop the compositions with her and she'll get them to ACME. Everyone understand?" Carmen informed the group one last time.

Everyone nodded and left the main cabin for some rest. Carmen's jet was very interesting since it had two floors. On the top 'floor' was a sort of main cabin, where there were couches and tables to sit and eat. On the bottom 'floor' there were a couple small cabins, four to be exact. Three of them had one queen sized bed and a small closet and the last one had a bunk bed. Zack and Ivy stayed in the room with the bunk bed, Carmen and Shadowsan each occupied one of the queen sized bed rooms, and Julia had taken the last one.

Julia opened the sliding door of the cabin and closed it behind her. She opened the small closet and looked inside to find her small suitcase. It had been packed with a necessary change of clothes, some weapons Carmen had supplied her with, her tablet, and a couple books. She quickly changed into her casual wear, a black tank top she'd bought recently and gray pajama bottoms. She then grabbed a book on the history of Austria and collapsed on her bed.

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