Part 2

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The next day Luther decided to go to the local mini supermarket for some foreign fruits and vegetables from Asia and Jamaica.

Heading there, he saw the castle and sighed. He'd so wish that the Tempting Flower would appear. Was she a apparition? It couldn't be! As for right now he had grocery shopping to do. His fascination with the castle seductress would half to wait.

Luther found the aloe vera tea box and oriental noodles he wanted. Plus some green onions. An elderly couple weren't too far behind him. The husband of mid height while his wife was a bit taller were busy buying food from the Caribbean.

"Do you think she'll come for supper?" The husband asked.

"I don't know if she will." The wife said sadly.

"She's always talking about her desire to have dinner with her future husband."

"But he isn't in her life yet." The husband reminded.

Luther overheard the conversation and couldn't help but asked.

"Excuse me but is there something wrong with your daughter?"

The couple were surprised that he even asked.

"She's well, only that she wants to have a husband." The husband replied.

"Was she married before?" Luther asked.

"Never. She'd been with hommes who weren't like me and eventually turned the other cheek."

"Plus she had only ever... " The wife didn't continue.

"She over ever what?" Luther asked insistently.

"She'd only given herself to one and she was almost harmed!"

"What has happened to her now?" He asked concerned.

"She lives further from this store. She comes to see us but we send a driver to get her and back."

Luther didn't know what to make of that. Was she famous? Undercover? In hiding?

"Why do you send a driver to have her visit you?"

The couple realized they'd said too much.

"It's what she prefers. Well, it was nice meeting you good sir."

The couple quickly went off, leaving Luther baffled.

Later that late afternoon...

All of Luther's work crew on his publicity team were having a late meal. They'd just finish the new print advertisement for his health beverage.

"Say, do you guys think the Tempting Flower is real? Luther asked while he gazed out towards the direction the castle was.

"She's very real. Very beautiful too." His lighting crewman said.

"You've met her?" He asked eagerly.

"No, certainly not."

Luther frowned.

"Have any of you met or encountered Her?" He asked.

They all shook their heads.

"Well, that settles it."

"What does?" One of cameraman asked.

"I'm going to the castle and see her myself!"

They all stared at him in shock.

"We admire her but that's about it." Another one said.

"Why simply admire from afar? Why not court her? "

"She's not to be courted."

"Not to be courted? What is she than? A ghost after all?"

"She's not to have, and that's all you need to know." One developer informed.

"You make her sound as if she's the forbidden fruit of Eden."

They all murmured to themselves, very uncomfortable by the topic.

"I'm going to the castle tonight to meet her, and make her mine."

Everyone stared at him like he'd gone mad.

At 8PM...

He went home by six o'clock and prepared for his little travel. He put on one of his best suits and dress shirts and removed the lint from his dress pants. If she was indeed a seductress, he was going to dress like a gentleman ready to tame her.

He looked at his reflection, his hair was perfect and his dashing looks couldn't be resisted by any femme. Namely a beauty living in a castle! He shut off his bathroom light and went off to the castle.

He took his down the road which lead to his destination. Everything around there appeared to been something out of a movie. Owls watching, cats roaming, birds of prey flying overhead. It all seemed surreal to him, yet it wasn't.

He saw the window once he parked his car. Nothing was shown, much to his disappointment. Suddenly, something appeared from one corner of the window. It was the seductress of the castle! A red cloth was covering her. She must be real, he thought cheerfully.

He didn't care what was said, he was going to seek what he desired.

Claiming the Tempting FlowerWhere stories live. Discover now