📓 Death Note 📓 (Part 4)

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              ~ Rules
              ~ Clone
              ~ moments
When i say "beetle juice" 3 times, I will come back to my cr.
It is very easy for me to shift and I can do it effortlessly.
I cannot die in my dr and neither can my friends. We will be in no physical pain caused by the dark arts.
I feel minimal pain.

One hour in cr= One month in dr

I will have full knowledge that this is my dr, but will not say anything about my cr.
If I am gone for long periods of time in my dr, everything will be the same as normal.
If I say "pass ahead a hour" an hour will pass in my dr, if I say "pass ahead a year" a year will pass in my dr, If I say "pass ahead a week" a week will pass in my dr and so on. My dr will pause when I leave and resume when I come back (to an extent).
I will not forget my safe word or safe action to get out of my dr.
Life in my dr will be just like the Death Note anime and I will develop a different relationship to characters and so on.
I will have no lasting trauma.
Tiktok, Instagram and Netflix exist in my dr.
There are modern phones and tv's in my desired reality.
I am a pretty sleeper.
I am not a fussy eater.
I always smell like mint, snow and redskins.
I always have minty breath.
I am a good kisser.
I don't get my period.
I don't get tired when running or walking.
I have good hygiene.
I have clear skin.
I can't get pregnant unless wanted.
I can sing and dance well.
I can play the guitar and piano well.
I don't have unwanted body hair.
I am bilingual.
I am completely healthy and my eyesight is fine.
I can talk to animals.
I am always waxed/ Shaved.
I have endless money.
I have an endless closet.
I always have my nails done.
I have a pocket watch that shows the time in my cr.
I can wear whatever I want without being dress coded.
I walk with confidence.
I have a fast metabolism.
I have a perfect side profile and jawline.
I have no double chin.
I have no gag reflex.
I am effortlessly attractive.
I always have soft lips.
I have naturally long, black eyelashes.
All the teachers love me.
I have perfect straight teeth.
I have a gorgeous smile.
I have a cute laugh.
I can not die.
All the boys and girls have crushes on me.
I never need to poo or pee.
I have good relationships with everyone.
I am amazing at dancing and gymnastics.
I always have clean eyebrows.
I will have no lasting trauma.
I will have no physical pain.
I have a phone with the LIFA app and all the apps on my cr phone.
I never get food stuck in my teeth.
I always have clean nails.
I don't get addictions or any harmful side affects to drugs.
I have healthy hair.
My clothes fit perfectly.
I am really good at fighting physically.
I have a screen that shows my clone and its surroundings.
I am a pretty crier.
I am very popular.
I have an record player that plays any song including modern.
I have nightmares.
I can see the future.
I never sweat.
I never fart or burp nor does anyone else

My clone looks, sounds, acts etc exactly like me.
They will not do anything out of context or abnormal from what I simply go about my day in my cr.
They will not act strange at all.
If I shift at night, my clone will remain sleeping all night until the morning. They will wake up when I usually do on that day.
My clone will not tell anyone I have shifted.
My clone eats healthy but not suspiciously healthy. they will work out once a day.
My clone is healthy, and can't do anything that will cause pain and can't die and they will be completely safe.
When I return to my current reality I will know everything my clone has done.

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